Chapter 6

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 The next morning I woke up feeling disorientated. I was expecting to wake up still imprisoned in my dark, cold, cell in the Ark. Fortunately, I wasn't. I took a deep breath and decided that it was time to wake up.

I swung my legs to the side and stretched my arms and back, feeling and hearing the satisfying cracking of my bones. I grabbed my combat boots and tied them up quickly. I stood up shrugging on my jacket and quiver then tied the make shift pack around my waist and grabbed my bow. Making my way out, I found Murphy was snoring by the entrance of the tent opening. My foot hovered over his stomach. It was so tempting for me to give him a nice wake up call, a payback for sleeping inside the tent when I specifically told him not to. I hesitated for a second before I changed my mind and just exited the tent. This is a fresh start for me. We're not on the Ark anymore; this is different, earth is different. A new start and a new person reborn; the old me died the moment we landed on Earth.

Exiting the tent, I was met with the morning's fresh air. I gave myself a few seconds to enjoy the earth's beauty and clean air before I made my way to the creek to freshen up.

On my way back, I found a tree that had some kind of purple rounded stuff. At a closer look, it looked like an eggplant which was an eatable type of vegetables, but from what I have seen in some videos, eggplants were darker and longer while this was rounder and was more of a redder color then purple. I plucked one and cleaned it on my shirt before taking a hesitate bite. My eyes widened at the juicy sweet taste of it. Plums, now I remembered. This was one of the fruits the old generations used to eat. I un-plucked a few and stuffed them in my pack before going back to camp.

I was shocked to see that almost the whole camp was awake. And what's more shocking was that they were all standing around a circle chanting about a fight and being extra rowdy. Pushing my way in -or should I say they opened the way for me when they realized who I was- I wasn't really that shocked to see Murphy and Wells to be the fighters. I made my way over to where Bellamy was standing with his arms crossed over his chest, observing the fight with calculating eyes and a blank face.

"I bet you my bow and quiver that Prince Naveen will win," I said as I stood beside him crossing my arms too.

"Thought you hated, Wells?" he questioned, dryly, without taking his eyes away from the fight.

I smirked, "oh I do. Never doubt that, Chief. I'm just saying it how I see it. Pinocchio may have some fighting skills, but he, unlike Jaha junior, is consumed by anger," right on cue, Murphy charged at Wells and Wells managed to dodge the attack and twist Murphy's arm. The next second, Wells was holding Murphy in a choke hold and pushing a knife against his throat. I glanced knowingly at Bellamy, "you didn't' really think Baby Chancellor has no combat experience with who his father is, did you?!" Bellamy shot me an annoyed look without responding.

Suddenly, a female shouted Wells' name in warning and out of the woods came a blonde girl followed by brunette guy with chin length hair, and then another Asian guy with his hair in what I think was called an emo style, dragging an injured girl with her arm around his neck.

"Octavia!" Bellamy cried, as he rushed to grab a hold of the injured girl and dragged her to sit on a nearby boulder. His eyes were full of concern as his hands hovered over her wounds seemingly afraid to touch it or hurting her further. She batted his hands away telling him that she was fine. He shot a glare towards the blonde, "What the hell happened? Where's the food?!"

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