WTF (not a chapter)

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OK before anything I'd like to apologize since this isn't an update but me complaining like a baby.

If you haven't seen or finished the last season of the show then STOP RIGHT HERE AND LEAVE NOW OTHERWISE YOU WILL SEE A LOOOOOOOT OF SPOILERS.


OK, so with that out of the way...

What the floating hell happened at the end? I finished the last season and it was good then suddenly "THY LORD IS MY SHEPPARD" bs happened and at first i didn't mind it because OK so it was different and shidheda was there spicing things up and then we got a badass Echo and also a Murphy being all leaderly and adorable.

But suddenly...
like what the float?!

It's like the writers got a brain fart and then BAM let's kill everyone. Doesn't matter why let's just go for it. It's only this one episode 🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻

Float them!!

I didn't like Bellamy on the end he was annoying but his reasoning was understandable. Clarke shooting him was understandable. But what was the point other than just making us emotional over the death of a major loved character.

Like Clarke shot him to stop him from telling False Jesus about Madi and stopping them from getting the notebook. BUT THAT DID NOTHING BECAUSE THEY GOT BOTH!!!! 😑😑😡😡😡 like seriously!!

Then don't even get me started on how they ended Murphy's and Emorie's story. Like do the writers have any allergies with romantic ending???

I mean i loved that Miller and Jackson got their happy ending along with Jordan and Hope, but come on!!!!! They built up Murphy's character so beautifully and he finally found someone to accept as he is, but noooooooooo writers read too much R&J to let them be happy. And then at the very end, Murphy comes back to earth without Emori, like dude!!!!! 

Yeah yeah "those who die will not trancend" 🙌🏻 blah blah blah. She shouldn't have died in the first place!!!!! 

They basically pulled a Roan again! What's the point of building up these amazing characters only to either kill them off or give them a sucky ending!!!

Then freaking Madi!!! Clarke got enough tragedies but nope they just got to add another one. Madi deserved better! They could have at least given her a better ending. They built her character so well. i had hoped at least her fight vs Shidheda would've been worthy, but damn. She failed even at pulling an Aria on him 🤦🏻

Speaking of Aria! The fights against Shidheda and his ending were as disappointing as the Night King's end. I loved how crazy things were and the drama he brought to the season. Kudos to JR Bourne and his awesome acting. Because wow i never thought Shidheda would have made the top 5 best characters in the 100 for me, yet there he is being cosy in the top 3 with Murphy and Roan 😂😂
But still, i expected longer and more bad ass fight with Indra. But 🤦🏻🤦🏻🤦🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻🤷🏻

Indra was hilarious this season and her built up is as amazing as always. Her "I'm Proud of you Murphy" line still cracks me up 😂😂

Hope and Jordan are so adorable and cute. Glad they made them fall for each other. 😍😍😍😍 Same with Octavia and Levvit. She deserved to be happy in the end.

I guess this is it for now. I probably had more to bitch about but it's past midnight and I'm sleepy and forgot half what i wanted to rage on, but these were the main ones that really annoyed me to hell and back.

Rest assured of my character survived to season 7, the ending will not be the same. Screw Fake Jesus and Transcendence. I'll be giving those characters a better ending for sure.

This is it for now. I'm busy teaching online, but I still make sure to make time to write whenever I'm free. Already got around a page written for the next chapter, but it might take longer and hopefully will be longer than the previous chapter.

Thank you all for reading my rant lol 😂😂👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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