Chapter 14

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The camp was buzzing with noise as everyone worked together to finish building the wall. It's been a week and everything seemed to have gone well so far. Wells' death has caused a great uproar, mostly on Clarke's side. Other than the shock of having one of our own found dead with a slit throat outside camp, not many people have showed much reaction to the loss of our own. It helped that everyone thought that the grounders did it. It has motivated them to work together and faster to finish the wall.

Murphy was left supervising the workers. Truthfully, he wasn't doing much other than shouting orders with a few choice words here and there. He's tried to boss me over the first day; it didn't end well on his behalf. I made sure to put him in his place and show him where we both stand concerning our positions in camp. My job is to defend camp and hunt; he can do whatever the hell he wants as long as he doesn't get in my way or attempt to order me again. Unlike him, I don't enjoy being anyone's bitch to boss over.

I was an hour into my hunt with the girls when I heard the ruckus coming from camp. Without missing a beat, I started running back, afraid that there was a new body found, or maybe the grounders have finally struck against us.

I saw everyone crowded in one big circle, but they soon made way for me to pass as if I were Moses crossing the sea. In the center was Murphy in some kind of an argument against Clarke.

"The hell is going on here?" heads turned my way at hearing my voice.

"Princess is accusing me of murdering her prince charmless," Murphy drawled. I turned to Clarke with a raised brow.

"He was killed by the grounders. We already established that, or would you like me to spell it out for you?" I told her.

"No, he was killed by one of ours," I made sure my face lacked any kind of expression at her revelation and tried not to let my eyes wonder to where Charlotte was standing, but on the inside my heart was hammering painfully against my chest. "Here's a proof," with that she threw a pathetically handmade knife, with an equally pathetic throw. I gave an unimpressed look as my eyes wondered back and forth between the knife and her. I didn't bother with picking up the knife.

"What's this got to do with your deceased ex-best friend/unrequited lover?"

Her face went red in anger at either my careless tone or at disrespecting Wells. "It has Murphy's name on it,"


She let out a sound of disbelief, "He killed Wells!"

"A personal handcrafted knife gave ya that clue?" I questioned, "It's poorly made by the way,"

"It was found near Wells' missing fingers a few feet away from where his body was found,"

"So, because the knife has Murphy's name on it and it was found near Baby Jaha's dead cold digits, you automatically assumed he did it?"

"He's hated Wells since day one. He's got more reasons to..."

"Plenty of people hated Wells," I cut her off.

Murphy let out a sound of triumph, "that's what I've been saying!"

"But it has Murphy's name on it," Clarke insisted.

"Which doesn't prove anything. The murderer could have used it to put the blame on Murphy. No one is dump enough to drop the murder weapon, which has their own name, near their crime scene." I crossed my arms waiting for Clarke to come up with a new excuse.

Clarke was glaring at me with clinched jaw, "you know, you're right. I never thought of that. Makes since that it was you who thought about the whole thing,"

I narrowed my eyes, "funny how that sounds like an accusation,"

"All I'm saying is that it makes since that someone of your status would find it easy to study crime scenes. We can say you're a pro at it," she smiled, cruelly.

"You better think carefully over what you say next, Goldie Locks," I threatened, "you're trending on a thin line,"

"I'm just saying it how I see it,"

"And how do you see it, Princess?" I mocked.

Murphy stepped closer, "she already explained my innocence, just let it go and find another poor soul to falsely accuse,"

"Funny how you're both so protective over one another,"

"It's called friendship, sweetheart. You should try it. And I mean when they're alive not after they die," I sassed.

"The great reaper has made a friend," she forced a chuckle out, "you two made a nice pair. Let's see how loyal you both will be when you face judgment,"

"Excuse me?"


Murphy and I asked as the same time, both supporting similar looks of anger and disbelief.

"She's right!" one of the onlookers has finally decided to add their opinion. But as soon as they caught my glare, they scattered to the back of the crowd.

"You both need to be punished for your crime,"

"Is that right?!" I questioned as I slowly made my way towards her, threateningly. But was interrupted as someone in the crowd shouted, "FLOAT THEM!" which lead to the rest of the crowd to react and fired them up more and more.

Soon enough, the crowd tightened as they all started pushing Murphy and I around, before I found myself rolling down a hill. In the midst of the crowd's chants and everything around me going in a circle as I rolled down the hell, there was the sound of a loud snap of wood breaking before a searing pain hit me in the midsection. My pained cry was interrupted by a forced kick to the back of the head, followed by a few more to my abdomen and back.

My head was ringing as my body ached painfully, preventing me from focusing on whatever's happening around me. I wasn't sure when or how I found myself with hands tied behind my back and hang up to a tree with a noose around my head back to back with Murphy.

"STOP! DON'T DO THIS," Clarke cried, but the angry crowd ignored her. So she turned to Bellamy, who was standing back watching everything in silence. "Bellamy, you have to stop this. They'll listen to you,"

Bellamy's stared emotionlessly at her, before his eyes traveled towards the tied due. He looked at Murphy who was shaking his head begging him to help. But I knew he wouldn't save us. Not with how the crowd were cheering for him, pressuring him to deliver the justice they demand.

And he did. All it took for him is a few steps before he kicked the rock from under our feet, suspending us in midair, feet kicking, tightened throats, and lungs begging for air. Slowly, my visions darkened and soon enough I surrendered to the darkness.


Hey all,

Hope you all have enjoyed this chapter. It was meant to be longer, but I am still undeceive over how I want the episode to end. I have 3 ways over how I want to decide charlotte's fate, but I'm still not sure with which to choose.

Rest assured, the next chapter will be out this weekend. Also, I have nominated this story on this year's Watty Rewards. Please if you can find the time to vote, that would be awesome.

Thank you all for being patient with me, and making the time to read and comment on my stories.


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