chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I groaned as I felt my body aching something furious. Slowly my eyes opened. The first thing my blurry eyes fell upon is an ass covered in leather. I blinked slowly as my eyes fell onto my hands that were bound and swaying freely. I tried to push myself upwards but I was suddenly shook by the moving object I'm riding upon, making me lose the little strength I had and fall back limply. Of course being me, I struggled harder, even going so far as to elbow my capturer's back and shaking my legs enough so I can be put down.


"FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!" I howled in pain smacking my capturer repeatedly in the back, "YOU DON'T GET TO SMACK ME IN THE ASS YOU PERVERT!" only to earn another smack but with more force. Before I can shout at him some more, different cries sounded out before a herd of his fellow grounders emerged skipping and hollering as they ran closer.

I was suddenly thrown to the ground as my capturer turned around smoothly and swiftly unsheathing his sword from his hip in one move. He took down the first two easily and moved on to fight the others as they soon surrounded him.

I wasn't stupid enough to sit and watch with mouth open, so before the second grounder could hit the ground I was on my feet and ready to run. But I seemed to be cursed, because luck is never on my side. Another grounder jumped in my way, twirling an axe in his hand. I backed up slightly as he faked a few slashes, laughing as he toyed with me. My back soon hit a tree behind me and the grounder didn't waste time before he rushed towards me with the axe raised above his head. I ducked sideways just as he brought it down making it get stuck on the tree bark. A knife flew by me and struck the grounder in the back of the head making him fall, taking the axe down with him.

Immediately, I rushed towards him and started rubbing the robes bounding me against the sharp edge of the axe blade.

Suddenly, the familiar sound of a blow horn sounded, announcing the arrival of the acid fog.

"Shit!" I hissed as I stroked faster against the blade, soon the ropes broke freeing my hands. Immediately, I grabbed the axe and turned around to start sprinting away. On my way I saw bodies scattered all over and the grounder that had held me captured was leaning on one knee, seemingly dizzy with a dagger imbedded in his abdomen, and not showing signs of reacting much to the dire situation at hand.

I ran a few steps before, pausing and rushing back, cursing myself the whole way. I grabbed the grounder's arm and hosted it around my shoulders. His whole body tested up, as if ready to start swinging at me, but he changed his mind when he caught a glimpse of the approaching fog, before obliging to me as I forced him onto his feet and we both started sprinting away as fast as we can.

We were by the cave entrance when the grounder's feet decided to fail him and he stumbled, bringing me down with him.

"Oh, no. Get your ass up! I ain't dragging your fat ass all the way in!" I threatened, but it was all just bullshit because I was already bent and dragging him inside and it was just in time. As soon as we got in everything outside was taken over by yellow fog.


By the next hour I had a nice, warm fire going and I was bent over the unconscious grounder preparing to tend to his wound. I grabbed a hold of the blade handle and was about to rip it off fast like a Band-Aid but another hand grabbed onto my wrist tightly. I looked down at the grounder. He was glaring at me and tightened his hold on me even more.

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