Chapter 11

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The sound of dripping of water drops were the only thing heard inside the otherwise silent cave. I wasn't exactly sure how long we've been hiding inside here or if the rest even managed to escape unscathed. I'm not sure if the fog was gone yet and I wasn't stupid enough to leave my dark safe haven to check.

There wasn't much to do to help pass the time. Charlotte was already passed out in the corner at the very end and far away from the entrance. Bellamy was sitting with his head leaned back, possibly sleeping too. As for me, there wasn't much sleeping I could do. I had already carved a few stick figures onto the cave walls with my dagger before I soon got bored of that and resumed finding ways to pass the time.

Being stuck in this place reminds me too much of the many years I had spent alone in my own cold cell. I was both comforted and nervous about it at the same time. I have spent eight years in solitary with only my thoughts for entertainment and then I get dropped on earth with one hundred others only to go back to the same dark closed environment, going through such a thing messes with the head. Only this time, it isn't the locked door or guards blocking my freedom, but a yellow fog which I have no idea where it had come from let alone the consequences it would cause if it managed to make contact with flesh. But from the way animals had ran away from it, hinted that this mysterious fog only holds bad news to us.

"You think the fog cleared up?"

I looked up towards Bellamy whose eyes were already looking at me.

I shrugged carelessly, "why don't you go check and see for yourself?!"

He seemed to be thinking about it before shaking his head and proceeded to bring his feet up and rest his elbows on them. I rolled my eyes at him.

"So, tell me," I groaned internally, great he's in a chatty mood, "how did someone like you end up in a place like this?"

I blinked at him, really?!, "I don't know. Shouldn't you know since you're a guard and all? and while we're on the subject why would the Ark even send one of their own with a bunch of delinquents. A guard who's bitter with their rules, not to mention who apparently also has a sister – which is a no-no in their "Book of Laws" by the way- a sister who's also one of those said delinquents," Bellamy opened his mouth to talk but I made cut him off with a smirk, "of course the Ark can't be that generous to allow a reunion between siblings. There has to be a reason for sending you here....unless they didn't," I trailed off, feeling that I am slowly figuring out this man.

"You don't know anything about me or my sister," he spat through gritted teeth. If the saying 'looks could kill' were true, I'd already be dead a thousand times over.

"No, no I don't," I agreed which is true. I have only just met the guy and barely had the chance to carry a conversation about anything other than camp business. In fact, this has been the only time we have ever been alone for more than a few seconds, well, Charlotte is still here but with her sleeping that doesn't count.

"But I am right, aren't I? Even just a little?" I continued enjoying his discomfort, "There is a reason as to why you're on the ground. No doubt your sister plays a big role on that, but there is something else, isn't there? something.... Big? Rebellious? I mean you jumped in pretty quickly to take the responsibility of leading a bunch of delinquents. That can't be out of the goodness of your heart. I mean, I won't deny that there might be a decent man deep –way deep- inside, but you seem to be more like a man on a mission. A mission which obviously goes against the 'Power that be' up in the Ark. Tell me, were you even a guard, Bellamy?" for some reason he wasn't denying my accusation making me realize that I am close to the truth which has made me smirk more in satisfaction, "my, oh my. Has our very own lord and savior been a bad boy? Naughty,"

"Whatever I had done, whatever others have done, can never be compared to the crimes you have made," he spat.

"That might be so, Freckles, but like you pointed out before, we both don't know anything about each other, and that also includes the other 99 kids, including our two missing campers of course. You don't know, you might meet someone who's much worse than me."

He scoffed, but otherwise didn't comment on it. And now we're back to the silence with the sound of dripping water as my only entertainment. The silence hadn't lasted for long before Charlotte woke up in fright trashing and screaming.



I'm sorry this is short. I cut the chapter into 2 because I didn't like how the other half was written so I'm rewriting it. I will post it by tomorrow (before the new episode of TEEN WOLF) and if I didn't get the chance by tomorrow then definitely by Monday! It will also be much longer than this.

I am currently done with college and hopefully will have even more time to continue with my stories. And upload more often.

Thank you all for being very patient with me and for loving Reaper and her story so far. And I hope the future chapters will be enjoyed and receive the same love as the previous chapters.

P.S. This chapter is a replacement to an old author's notes containing spoilers!

if anyone hasn't seen the last episode please stop reading this right now. Spoilers ahead beware.

Ok with that said....

OH MY GOD!!!!!

I am in SHOCK!!

The last episode was so intense and left me crying.

I cried when Roan died. He was such an amazing character and i have fallen head over heals in love with him.

I knew that eventually they're going to kill him off, but i felt that it was too soon. There was more potential to his character and I WASN'T READY FOR HIM TO DIE!!!! and especially not by a character i liked too. I loved Luna but she killed the love of my life :'( :'(

He died a warriors death! May we meet again!!

Now some of you are wondering how does that affect my story. Weeeeellll .... one thing i know for sure is that ROAN WILL NOT DIE!!!! I refuse to put that in my story. I am not exactly sure how but i will make sure that our lovable king SURVIVES!!!! I think he's the perfect match for my character and hopefully you all will ship them as much as i do.

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