Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I watched as the girls slept. They worked pretty hard to help everyone, unfortunately dragging me along with them along the way.

"Hey, have you seen...."

"shh!" I immediately hushed Bellamy as he barged his way in.

He looked at them silently. His eyes softened but still keeping his since of urgency upon meeting my eyes.

"Have you seen Octavia?"

I shook my head as I closed the tent flap and started making my way out, "haven't seen her in ages."

He cursed as he rushed passed me, looking everywhere for his sister. I shrugged as I made my way to the camp's exit. But Monty suddenly rushed in front of me with a worried look.

"Before you say anything, is this about the missing baby Blake?" he nodded his head fast. 

"whateves. Stop worrying. She's probably following some butterflies or something."

"But what if she isn't?" he questioned. I simply just shrugged carelessly. "Please, she probably needs our help! You ...."

"Nope, ah uh," I totted, shaking my head and walking fast towards the exit, "na-ah. You will not convince me to get out of my way to help the sister of the idiot who nearly sent me to my death. No poppy sad eyes of yours or anyone will change my mind. So don't even bother trying, buddy. Because it ain't gonna happ....."

"Octavia is missing?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to meet the teary eyes of Holly and Lilly. I grimaced turning my head towards the night sky in distress.

"Son of a bitch!"


"Hey dumbasses, you're going the wrong way!" I called towards Bellamy and his band of dumbasses.

"How'd you know?" one of the idiots asked me, "we got her tracks right here,"

"Because, you dumb-potato head, those tracks that you're following belong to a boar," I pointed my torch at the tracks near me, "these are her tracks, but hey, follow the boar for all I care. It might lead you to your long lost family,"

I marched away following Octavia's tracks until they lead me towards a steep hill. I crouched down as I studied the tracks leading down. I felt someone crouch near me.

"What is it?" Bellamy asked. I pointed down to where what seemed like a ripped part of a belt which was stuck on a branch.

Bellamy's eyes widened, "that's Octavia's!" He turned to call for the others as he was about to climb down, but I immediately grabbed his arm before he could pull a dumb stunt like that.

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