chapter 22

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"Please, calling Ark Station," Raven called through the radio, her voice becoming hoarse from over use, "The hundred are alive. Can anyone hear me?"

"Maybe you should say 'over' at the end just like in the movies," I suggested. Raven barely glanced at me, but I still felt the death glare all the same.

"This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself!"

All of us paused in disbelief as the radio spoke back--I mean --as we finally managed to radio the Ark.

"This is Raven Reyes, I'm from Mecha Station. I'm transmitting from the ground," she responded, "the hundred are alive. Please you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin,"

"Hang on Raven, we're trying to boost your signal," he told her.

The delinquents around us started cheering, happy to finally reach our people in the Ark. I leaned back, my smile falling as I robbed my now bare and aching wrist. I knew that calling the Ark was a needed choice, especially with Finn needing the best medical advice and our situation with the grounders. But I dreaded what will happen to me, when the people in the Ark make their way down. Either I will be executed or thrown in jail for the rest of my life.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Raven started ordering people to climb up to the second floor so she and Clarke can have more space to work on Finn. Some listened to her, others refused, demanding to speak with their parents instantly.

I walked up behind Raven, twirling a knife around my hand. "I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to start hauling your asses up before I start chopping you all to pieces," they backed up a little, seemingly doubtful of my threat, "one, two...ten" I fake lunged at them and they, instantly, started rushing up like their lives depended on it.

"Nicely done," Raven praised, raising her fist for a fist bump. But I walked passed her, ignoring her fist completely. I heard her curse me before she made her way to Clarke.

"Okay, Clarke, firm grip on the knife," the voice of Abby came through the radio, "you're gonna need to angle it upwards and to the left, very slightly to the left as it exits the ribcage."

"How 'very slightly'?" Clarke questioned, nervously, but Abby's response wasn't heard clearly through the radio statics.

"Three...Millimeters," came the repeated response.

Clarke nodded, "okay, got it," she stepped up closer to where Finn was laying on the table, with Raven close behind staring intensely and definitely not helping Clarke with her nerves.
Abby's voice sounded again, encouraging Clarke, "Steady hands, Clarke. You've assisted me on trickier procedures than this,"
How was that even allowed? I thought to myself, as I watched Clarke prepare to remove the knife. She kept fidgeting and taking deep breaths.

"Okay," she breathed, putting one hand on Finn's shoulder and the other on the knife.
"Once that knife is out, the hard part is over," Abby's voice encouraged again. Clarke nodded and prepared to finally pull the knife, but the sudden shake of the drop ship shook her up and she stepped back, breathing heavy and teary eyed.

"Clarke?" Abby called, but Clarke was too choked up to answer.

Raven walked up to Clarke, placing a hand on her shoulder to help calm her down, "Clarke, you got this!" but Clarke shook her head, "dammit, Clarke, pull it together. Finn needs you right now."

"Raven, I can't. Look!" Clarke sobbed, displaying her shaking hands, "I'm only going to make it worse, I'm sorry."

"Clarke, what's happening? Did you do it? Is it out?" Abby questioned.

"No," Raven responded, huffing in frustration, "her hands are unsteady,"

"Clarke, honey, you need to calm down," Abby soothed, "remember when you helped me on the ark, you can do this,"

Clarke sobbed, "Mom, I can't."

"Yes, you can," Abby insisted. Clarke shook her head, crying softly to herself.

"Clarke can't, but maybe she can," it took me a few seconds to notice that Raven was talking about me.

"So, what, being a known serial killer gives me 'the most stable hands' medal?" I retorted.

"Can you or can you not do it?" she asked, "or should I ask 'will you do it or not?'"

"Only if I don't get blamed for his death later," I shrugged.

"He's not going to die," Raven insisted.

Clarke came over to pour some moonshine to sterilize my hands, but because her hands were shaking so much she practically poured everywhere except my hands. "I thought you need to sterilize my hands and not the floor," I teased her, that eased her a little and she finally managed to complete her task. Once she finished I walked over to stand by the motionless Finn.

"Okay, people, it's a beautiful day to save lives,"

Raven gave me a deadpan look, "there's literally a storm outside,"

"Clarke?" Abby called.

"It's ok, mom. Reaper is gonna do it," Clarke informed her.

"Are you sure about this?" Abby asked uncertain. I sent the radio a glare and was about to march over and give the Doctor a few great choice words in response, but Clarke got in my way.

"Yes, mom, I'm sure. I trust her," she insisted, meeting my eyes straight on. She nodded. I nodded back before I walked back and started on removing the knife. Unfortunately Finn chose that specific moment to wake up. I paused as we both stared at one another, blinking in disbelief.

"Finn!" I cheered, with a huge fake smile blasted on my face, "great timing there buddy. I am just in the process of extracting the knife from your chest, amico,"

Finn nodded, still seemingly in disbelief and wonder, "yeah, cool, good idea. Just please, stop it with the creepy smile, especially when you got a hand resting on the knife that's embedded in my chest."

Finn braced himself while I nearly got the knife out, but suddenly the drop ship was hit by a strong force from the storm throwing us all to the other side of the table. I can, briefly, hear Abby calling for Clarke through the buzzing in my ears. I seemed to have hit my head on something when I fell. Just as I was about to rub the spot, I noticed the knife still clutched in my hand. I, instantly, looked towards Finn, who was staring at me in astonishment, without a knife in his chest.

"You did it," he laughed.

"She did it," Raven breathed happily.

"I did it," I echoed. I went back to lie down on my back exhaling in relief. I raised my hand, pointed at Finn with the knife, "Now we're even,"


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