Chapter 12

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"Fears are fears

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"Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep. "

I watched quietly as Bellamy comforted Charlotte from her nightmare. It was like looking at an entirely different person. I was so used to the cocky and conceited leader from before, but now he was being gentle and calming. I hadn't known Bellamy for long, but I never thought that I would put his name and the word gentle together in the same sentence.

"You can't afford to be weak. Weakness is death, fear is death,"

I watched as Charlotte handed her knife to Bellamy and he pointed the tip at her with a playful glint in his eyes, "when you feel afraid, you hold tight to that knife and you say, "Screw you. I'm not afraid!" can you do that?" I knew he was protective over his sister, and obviously the gentleness he's currently displaying was from years of taking care of her, but to show the same kindness to another person made me think that there's more to Bellamy than the aggressive dictator I have seen him as.

"Screw you. I'm not afraid," Charlotte clutched the knife tightly as she repeated the mantra. The more she repeated it, the stronger her voice became.

Bellamy patted her knee with a slight smile, "slay your demons, kid, then you'll be able to sleep," as he went back to his seat our eyes caught. My sight briefly cut to Charlotte who went back to sleep, before looking back at him, and I nodded. His tense shoulders sagged and he nodded back. No words were needed; our silent interaction spoke a truce that no words ever could.


"You're kidding!"

"Oh, I'm dead serious," Bellamy stared warily at my raised fist, "come on, freckles, don't leave a girl hanging,"

He gave me a deadpan look, "what are you, five?!"

"It's just some old game of 'Rock, paper, scissor'" I protested, "now come on, don't be scared,"

He scoffed, "I'm not scared,"

I turned to Charlotte who was grinning in amusement, "he's scared," I whispered loudly.

"Wha... I'm not scare.... You know what? Fine," he raised his fist and looked at me expectantly.

"Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!" His scissor lost to my rock.

Bellamy didn't look amused, "no way. You hesitated. Do over,"

"What are you, five?" I mocked.

"You cheated,"

"I won fair and square. Now stop being a sour looser and go check it out," he looked as if he were going to protest before changing his mind.

"You kinda did cheat," Charlotte finally admitted the minute Bellamy left our sight. I raised my finger to my lips with a smirk and a wink her way. She giggled.

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