Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The sunlight was warm as it reflected into the water. It was bright enough to light up the life swimming underwater. Different fish of all types and sizes were swimming peacefully. Suddenly the sunlight was shadowed as something broke the surface and fell hard and fast into the water, disturbing the fish and making them all scatter in different ways.

The object floated with limbs lying motionless and eyes unblinking, turning the water red as it slowly drifted down and further away from the surface. Bubbles slowly floated up, past the drifting hair which was shining brightly against the sunlight. Slowly a single hand reached upwards as the lips moved uttering one word before they too became motionless and then slowly the eyes drifted shut. Soon enough, the peace was returned back to the water ones more.


*A few hours ago*

With a sharp gasp, I jumped up after being disturbed from my nightmare full of memories of the events from the previous night.

"A-are you okay?"

I slowly looked up, my eyes meeting with blue eyes, one of which was swollen shut. I grunted in answer before leaning on my back and let out a long sigh as the wound throbbed and my body ached.

"It's funny, you know? You're the last person I ever imagined to stick with me in this mess," I slowly turned to face Murphy who was staring emotionless into the fire. He smirked slightly turning to me, "thanks."

It was quiet for a few seconds before I decided to ask the question that's been swimming in my head for a while now. "Were you really gonna killer her?" we both know who I was talking about; Charlotte.

His smirk slowly dropped and he turned back to staring at the fire. A few minutes of silence followed before he finally answered quietly, "I don't know."


Hours later I jolted awake just as the sun was peaking over the horizon. This time my sleep wasn't disturbed by nightmares, but by hearing something nearby. I quickly jumped to my feet, eyes staring around as one hand reached for my only weapon, a small handmade knife I used for skinning animals, and the other hand shaking Murphy awake. He jolted awake, but refrained from uttering a word at my warning look.

There was a few seconds of silence, before the wind shifted and I moved just in time to avoid the small knife that was now embedded on the tree bark behind where my head was.

"MOVE!" I shouted, jumping to my feet in an instant and started sprinting away. I can hear Murphy's footfalls behind me, followed by the heavy stomps of the Grounders chasing us.

Suddenly I was tackled to the ground, followed by a hard punch to the temple. For a few seconds everything started spinning and sounds were muffled. It was only the glint of something sharp falling towards me fast that I started to focus, but I was only able to weakly bring my arm up to barely stop the knife inches away from my heart. There was a few seconds of struggle, with me losing and the knife inching closer to my heart, before my attacker was tackled away from me.

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