Chapter 4

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 It was after midnight. Many of the delinquents have already gone to sleep either by leaning on trees or lying on the ground. I was sitting by the fire in front of my tent that was made by using a parachute as a cover and some scavenged tools from the drop ship to pin it down. I would like to believe that it looked better than the average tent. It was comfy and large that could fit up to five people comfortably, not that I was gonna share it with anyone or anything.

Across from me, Murphy was carving a sharp piece of metal from the drop ship into a small knife. His carving skills were rusty, but at least it looked sharp enough to make it usable.

I heard leaves crunching as Bellamy walked over and crouched down by the fire to warm up a bit. For a warm day, the night was a tiny bit chilly.

"Tent looks great," Bellamy commented, nodding towards the tent behind me.

"Yep, Looks better on the inside," I smirked, pulling on the arrow string to test its strength.

"Comfy too," Murphy added. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm still not sharing my tent with you, Johnny boy"

"Sure you well," he argued back, "you enjoy my company"

"I also would enjoy it more after I shove this arrow up your ass," I replied pointing an arrow threateningly at him.

"Do you even know how to shoot that thing?" Bellamy asked staring at the bow in my hands. I shot him a dry look.

"Wanna be my target so we can find out?" I sassed, sarcastically. Murphy snorted. Bellamy rolled his eyes.

"So, why are you two still doing up?" he asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Apparently, Robin Hood over there thinks that there are some dangerous things out lurking in the mighty jungle," Murphy drawled tauntingly with a chuckle, nodding my way. Bellamy looked at me quizzically as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, keep on laughing now, Little John. Just remember that when a giant tiger bites your scrawny ass, I'm gonna be laughing in your face, telling you I told you so."

"Ha ha," Murphy laughed mockingly, showing me his middle finger.

"Screw you too, asshole!"

Bellamy cut in, looking at me in wonder, "what makes you think there's anything else alive out there besides us,"

"You're joking right?!" I deadpanned. He gave me a serious look. I rolled my eyes chuckling in disbelief, "you serious?! The birds?!" Bellamy and Murphy exchanged confused looks making me roll my eyes, again. "Geeze. Hello! If there's still birds flying merrily in the skies with no care in the world, then I bet you that there's one hundred and ten chance that there's a whole lot more animal species alive out there. Use some logic people!"

Bellamy widen his eyes as he stared at the forest in worry, "Octavia!" he breathed jumping to his feet and marching his way to the forest, mumbling, "Shouldn't have let her go!"

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