Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I left Clarke and Raven to stitch up Finn's wound and decided to check up on the situation with the Grounder upstairs. Climbing up, I saw that they had the Grounder held tight with no means of escape.

"How's Finn?" Bellamy asked as soon as I climbed up.

"Alive," I replied simply. I eyed the Grounder who was determined to stare blankly at the wall behind me. He, discreetly, tensed up as I walked closer, "Has he said anything?" I questioned fanning myself with my top, feeling a little hot in the small room.

"No, nothing yet," Bellamy grumbled.

"Well, have you checked over his stuff?" Bellamy shrugged and pointed behind us at Miller who was crouching over a pack.

"Miller's going through it,"


It was Miller who responded this time. "Nothing; Just a bunch of weird stuff so far," Bellamy and I walked over to Miller who showed us a small metal container which has small vials of various colored liquids inside. "What is all this stuff?"

"Hell knows with these people," Bellamy wondered as he grabbed a notebook. The Grounder visibly tensed up. Bellamy immediately noticed the change. "It seemed that we found something that he doesn't want us to see, Miller," Bellamy skimmed through it. He stopped over a beautiful sketched drawing of Octavia. Bellay turned a glare towards the Grounder while I snatched the notebook off of his hand as a page full of lines grabbed my attention. Quickly counting them I showed it to Bellamy.

"Seems like it wasn't just Octavia that grabbed his attention; these lines add up to all our numbers that we came down with, including 10 lines which were crossed out for those we lost."

Bellamy stood and approached the grounder, staring him down, "They've been watching us ever since we got here."

Skimming over a few more pages, I stopped on a page which clearly shows the outside of the cave where my place is. I grabbed the notebook and walked towards the grounder, pulling up it so the sketch was on eye level with him. I hissed in a low voice where only the two of us can hear, "If I see you or any of your savage friends anywhere near this, Porterò l'inferno su di te e su tutti quelli a cui tieni (I will bring hell on you and everyone you care about). D' you know what that means?" He tensed as I came closer to whisper in his ear, "it means ai na frag op Yu en everyone Yu gifa in hashta Won by Won (I will kill you and everyone you care about one by one)" the grounder growled under his breath as he glared deeply into my eyes. I felt a smirk grow on my face, damn, if looks could kill!

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