Chapter 1

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Six Months Ago; New York;
Dylan's POV;

Pushing the penthouse apartment door open, I stepped over the threshold feeling the overwhelming tiredness ready to consume me whole. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was climb the spiral staircase to the second floor, walk in to my room then the ensuite and run myself a bath and sink under the hot water to ease the tension that had built from the scenes that I had, had to film today.

Filming had gone on a lot longer than I had anticipated and I had ended up missing the concert that my best friend was doing in Madison square garden. But Corey being the awesome friend that he was had called to tell me that he understood, and he would be by the apartment in a little while with Jim, Jim's girlfriend and a good friend to me Claire and Roy Mayorga from the band they had formed for release from Slipknot.

Carmine locked the door as I moved through the open planned bottom floor of the apartment that I had purchased with my first acting gig a couple years ago. Most people preferred LA but I found that I much preferred the hustle of living in New York; where you could literally just disappear in to the crowd and not be bothered.

Throwing my bag on to the sofa, I dumped my cigarettes on to the coffee table in the centre of the living area then moved to the large floor to ceiling window and looked out over the dancing sparkling lights of New York City. I loved just looking out at the sea of lights; knowing that I probably had the best life that I could have ever hoped for.

When I had left Whispering Pines in North Carolina, I hadn't really thought my plan through all I had known was that I had to get away; I couldn't stay where he was, especially after what had happened.

"...I just can't believe that was your last scene today," Carmine said from behind me.

My mind seemed to snap back to the present as I watched his reflection in the large window; it was weird to see him looking so distorted when he was always so together, always so solid and always there for me.

"I know it's gonna feel weird not going in to the studio every day..." I started as I turned to look at him unable to take the distorted image of him in the window.

"Then change your mind..."

"Car don't start!" I sighed knowing that he had been struggling with my decision since I had made it but this wasn't about him, this was about something that I had always wanted to do, it was about what I had been doing since I had lived at home with my brother and his friends.

'He' had taught me so well, 'he' had shown me how to defend myself, 'he' had taught me that it was ok for women to wrestle and still be feminine at the same time. But 'he' hadn't wanted me, 'he' had just seen me as his best friends geeky little sister; well I had shown everyone from back home that I wasn't the geeky little kid that they had thought I was.

"Don't start what? Telling you that I love you and don't want you to do this?" My fiancé asked as I moved back to the coffee table and grabbed my smokes; my chunky heeled boots clipping the hard wood flooring loudly.

"You know that I have to do this..." I started as I sparked my cigarette and inhaled deeply begging that it would calm me down as we seemed to be headed for the same argument that we had since I had expressed that this was what I wanted to do and was going to do regardless of what my fiancé said.

"No you don't! You can back out; it isn't set in stone yet baby, you can just call and tell them that you have changed your mind," He literally begged and I figured if he could be on his knees right in this moment he would be.

"I can't back out now! I don't want to back out; this is something that I have wanted for a long time..." I pressed feeling my voice take on a desperate tone; desperation for him to just listen to me, to see that I really did want to do this.

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