Untitled Part 22

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The following morning;
Dylan's POV;

My body slowly came round from the slumber that Corey and I had slipped in to around four in the morning. We had talked about all that had happened with Mr. Copeland the previous night, how he had offered me a shoulder and that I thought he was a nice guy.

I knew that there was no way that Jeff, Matt nor Shannon were going to be happy with me talking to him. Especially after what he had done to Matt. I didn't know the full story, all I knew was that Adam had befriended Matt's long term girlfriend Amy Dumass who had played Lita on Smackdown, he had apparently whispered things in to Amy's ear about how lonely he was, how he missed being with someone.

From all accounts he had built a friendship, gotten close to her, wore her down and when she was vulnerable enough he had moved in for the kill and successfully splitting the pair up. But as much as my friends and Family said they hated him, he had been nothing but nice to me when I had needed it.

My eyes fluttered open as my mind slowly began to catch up to my body and woke from the sleep that I had been enjoying, the sleep where nothing hurt, where nothing was complicated and all I could do now was resign myself to the fact that it was another day where I would have to be in the same place as Jeff.

Why was it; that with one minute with Jeff I would forget about the fact that I was going to be getting married soon?

Was it really possible that I was making the biggest mistake of my life?

I couldn't lie here any longer, I was just becoming more frustrated, so silently slipping from the bed; leaving Corey to sleep, I slipped my feet in to my sneakers in the hope that it would at least be clear enough for me to venture outside to clear my head before another long day.

Quietly I let myself out of my room and padded along the hallway, the sound of my brother and best friend making love seemed to wrap around me making me feel slightly uncomfortable and weirded out that I all but ran down the stairs to the living room to see Jeff sat on the sofa staring in to space, great as if the sound of my brother and friend wasn't disturbing enough now I had to contend with Jeff. His handsome features knotted together in concentration but the minute my foot stepped down on to the hard wood floor he looked up at me.

"Morning," He said softly.

Looking away from him because I just didn't trust myself to talk in his presence I rushed to the kitchen. My hand had just wrapped around the handle of the tall standing refridgerator when the feel of the hair on the back of my neck standing on end coiled through my body.

"What exactly do I have to do to get you to talk to me?" He demanded in a whisper so soft that my entire body reacted to the sound and to the feel of his hand on my wrist whirling me around to face him.

The weight of his frame pressed in to mine and I instantly forgot all that I had been thinking and planning on doing as I became so lost in his eyes that I was sure there would be no coming back from him, no coming back from the things that I felt, that I had always felt for him.

"Why are you so scared of just talking to me?" He asked his face inches from my own, until all I could seem to focus on was the fact that his lips seemed so smooth and soft.

"I can't..." I stumbled as his hand let go of my arm and tenderly wiped the hair from my face causing the tremble to break out all over my body.

"Why not?" He asked his voice turning soft and caring, his eyes burning in to mine marking me in a way that no man had ever marked me before. "God you're beautiful," He whispered his lips inching closer to mine.

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