Chapter 30

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H's POV;

We had been having fun stood at the side of the dance floor watching Corey and Dylan dancing; trying to mosh to the pop song that was blaring through the speakers. It had started when they had gone up to dance to their song; 'I'll Get By With A Little Help From My Friends' by The Beatles and then the song had ended it had been replaced with David Hasselhoff's hit single in Germany; 'I've Been Looking For Freedom'. The two friends had looked at one another and a silent agreement seemed to have been made as they both started moshing at the same time.

People were watching our friends as every now and again they would stop; look at one another and laugh. I had to say that it was the first time I had seen Dylan really laugh in the longest time, she was cutting loose and it seemed she was unable to control the laughing fit that she had slipped in to as she watched Corey's head rolling around in a fluid motion.

I started laughing as I remembered that she had once told me, she sometimes feared for her best friends life when moshed; like he got so in to it that she worried his head was just going to roll straight off his shoulders one day.

But suddenly that was all coming to an end as Jeff all but threw Adam in to the middle of the dance floor before launching himself on top of the rated R superstar.

"What the fuck?" Shannon muttered as Dylan turned and her eyes landed on the spectical on the floor next to where she had been having the time of her life only moments previously.

Shannon and I made our way to them as Matt, Ashley and Roy appeared at the same time. Claire and Jim had headed back to the hotel a little over an hour ago now, they wanted some alone time, seeing them here together tonight it wasn't hard to miss the passion that had been building the whole night.

We reached them just as Corey managed to haul Jeff off, of Adam just as Dylan dropped to her knees next to the man sprawled on the ground.

"Adam you ok?" Dylan asked wiping the hair from Adam's beaten face. "Oh God!" She gasped seeing the blood seeping from his nose. "What did you do!?" She turned and glared up at Jeff not seeing the smug grin coming to Adam's face.

The condescending grin on the face of the man who had become one of my cousins biggest enemies seemed to cause Jeff to see red once again as he fought to get out of the submissive hold that Corey had locked him in to.

"DJ you can't trust him...he's only..."

"Ever been nice to me! Why would you do something like this?" She demanded glaring up at my cousin as we all watched Adam smiling smugly as Dylan gently laid his head in to her lap.

"He said that..."

"What?" Dylan asked still watching him closely.

"Can I talk to you in private?" Jeff asked keeping his eyes solely on Dylan, which seemed to be calming him down somewhat from the agrivated posture he had been in at the hands of whatever Adam had said to him.

"I'll be right back Adam ok?" Dylan assured the man before getting to her feet and following Jeff away from the group.

Shannon and I watched as Jeff and Dylan seemed to get in to it just out of earshot as Roy, Corey, Matt, Ashley and myself watched the mess that Jeff had made of Adam's face.

"What do you suppose that was about?" Roy pondered looking at me just as Shannon's powerful arms claimed me up in to his embrace.

"I'm not sure man. It could be anything, Adam just has this way about him that pisses people off!" Matt said as none of us bothered to check that Adam was ok.

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