Chapter 8

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Carmine's POV;

Shannon had suggested that we all head out to the bar for a few drinks. The BBQ had wound down, Matt and Jeff's Father had headed home, as had Sandra; Shannon and Dylan's Mother.

Which had left the younger members of the BBQ at a loose end until Shannon had suggested that we all head out to City Limits the bar where from all accounts Dylan's Family and friends frequented quite a bit.

Looking around the bar, my eyes landed on Shannon and H; wrapped up together as they talked to Jim and Claire who were as equally loved up as the couple they were chatting too.

Matt had disappeared when his eye caught that of a pretty blond somewhere in the crowd. Johnny, Patrick, Stacey, Shane and Johnny's girlfriend Lanie were sat at a booth behind where I was sat with Jeff and Beth.

Dylan was at the bar with Corey and Roy; all three of them were doing shots and without so much as a problem, my girl was seemingly drinking her two friends under the table causing me to chuckle.

Dylan was something else, she could hang with the boys, which she seemed more comfortable doing; she could pretty much do anything that she set her mind too so I don't know why I was so upset about her doing this wrestling thing.

It wasn't like she couldn't look after herself; hell the girl was tougher than most men I knew, she was ballsy and took crap from no one but the thought of her getting in that ring in a few months time still left me feeling a dread that I couldn't explain.

When we had told Shannon and their Mother what she had planned, both had taken it so well that Dylan had relaxed and seemed to grow that little bit taller as she basked in their encouragement and praise. But she didn't want anyone else to know that she was doing this, she didn't want her old friends to know anything about it until she was ready to join the company as a full fledged wrestler and that was something that we had all agreed too.

"That doesn't bother you?" Beth asked me as she let her frame fall against Jeff's who seemed to be drowning his sorrows in the bottle of Vodka Ice that he was nursing.

"What?" I asked looking at the pretty red head in front of me as she and her man took up the space across from me in the booth we had occupied.

"Seeing Corey and Dylan so touchy feely?" She asked as I glanced back across at my girl and her best friend who had there arms entwined; as you would do when drinking Champagne with a lover; they were both smiling and trying hard to down their shot quicker than the other.

"Honestly it did in the beginning but what you or most people don't see is that they are friends; they are best friends, he is the one who is there for her whenever something bad happens, he is the one that she really opens up to..."

"She doesn't open up to you?" Jeff asked glancing over to the bar where Corey and Dylan were laughing as they both urged Roy to drink a pint of Jack Daniels in one go.

"Not about everything no," I admitted turning my attention back to my companions. "The thing that anyone needs to know about Dylan and Corey is that to be in a relationship with one of them means that you are in a relationship with both and where it once bothered me; it really doesn't anymore,"

"I don't know if I could handle that," Beth commented glancing over to the bar then turning back to look at me. "I mean I love Jeff to bits but if he was that close with another girl I think it would drive me crazy,"

"It's amazing what you can do when you love someone with all that you are," I replied. I loved Dylan more than I had ever loved anyone and I would do anything that I had to, to ensure that she was happy and if that meant going along with her plan to join the WWE then I would do it. I may not be happy about it but I would support her.

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