Chapter 14

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Later that night at the hotel;
Matt's POV;

It had taken me at least an hour to convince Jeff to come to the reunion tonight. I hadn't known or understood what was going on with my little brother but he had finally sat down with me and explained all that had happened between him and Dylan ten years ago.

I had listened as he talked about the unexplainable desire that still sparked in his veins for her, how he couldn't seem to stop thinking about her especially with Beth being gone.

I watched as he ran his hands through his hair as he explained that Beth had saved him from running back to the girl who had been clearly under age. I had, had absolutely no idea that he had felt this way about Dylan.

I could see the effects it was having on him; he was tired, he was withdrawn and he was struggling to remain grounded when she seemed to suddenly be everywhere. Dylan's presence had always been strong but now that she was older it seemed to me that it was much stronger and gave her the kind of charisma that most people would dream of having. In a way her charisma was as strong as Jeff's; you just couldn't help but notice her regardless of the fact that she had become of the most beautiful women in the world.

Finally I had managed to convince him to just come, to see where the night took him, that he may not know but tonight could be the night that he could explain things to her, to let her know what was on his mind. At first he had been more than a little skeptical but now we were here and stood at the bar, I could see that he was desperate to get this night over with.

Shannon and H had arrived about ten minutes ago; clearly happy and lost in one another. Their relationship had taken a long time to get to this point, there had always been a spark between them, always been an underlying connection that they had fought to so hard to ignore but it seemed that fate had other plans for them.

I was happy for them, they were good together, it was obvious from the way that Shannon was holding her close, whispering in to her ear softly, to the way that she was hanging on to him tightly and laughing softly to the things that he was whispering to her. I knew my friend, I knew that he hated every single person in this room, he hated them all for the things that they had done and put his sister through.

In a way I was just as mad but knowing what Corey had done for tonight I was happy that he was here, happy that he looked out for the youngest member of our Family because despite the years and distance that Dylan had put between us; she was and always would be our Family. I just hoped that she could find a way to forgive Jeff for what had happened between them.

The reunion was building slowly until the doors opened and Dylan, Carmine, Corey, Roy, Jim and Claire moved inside. And the entire room turned and looked at the famous entourage.

"She's trying to kill me!" Jeff muttered as he groaned while downing the whole bottle of Smirnoff Ice that he had purchased from the bar where we were stood.

Looking across at the woman in question I had to admit that she had really pushed the boat out on her outfit. A black glove like dress clung to every dip and curve of her body; with a hoop neck line, the material covered her breasts barely causing the black double sided tape that covered her nipples to be hidden as the material left her midsection open for viewing. A zip started where the material covered just below her navel and moved down to the floor where she had left it zipped to her knees for the moment, clearly it was evident that it could go further up to show even more flesh. Clear chunky shoes that reminded me of Cinderellas glass slippers adnored her feet.

"I swear to God, I don't think me being here is a good idea," Jeff muttered as the new arrivals noticed where we were and started to make their way over to us. "I think I may just burst!"

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