Chapter 38

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Knapp Centre; Des Moines; Iowa;
Later that night;
Dylan's POV;

The show had started about twenty minutes ago; I had stood backstage watching on the triton as Jeff got in to the ring with MVP for the VIP lounge. I had listened as said host literally ripped in to Jeff about his suspension, about the fire that destroyed his home, how his dog Jack had been inside the house when it had burned down, how Jeff didn't care at all about his fans and finally how it was his own fault that he had lost his dog.

It broke my heart to watch Jeff shifting around uncomfortably on the stage; running his hand over his face, his beautiful eyes sparking with sadness that I couldn't make better from where I was stood but I had been told that I had to remain backstage. I wasn't allowed to go to him, I wasn't allowed to comfort him when he obviously needed it.

I could hear the crowd chanting my name, obviously they wanted me to go comfort him. As the camera panned in on to his handsome features I could see the hurt, I could see the shame that he had felt and I could see the way his bottom lip was trembling and once again it tore through my heart to see him like that and being unable to go to him.

We had talked privately about all that had happened in his life while I had been in the training camp. I could hear the heart felt remorse that he felt, I could tell that if he could do things differently then he would in a heart beat, if he could have done something, anything differently to save Jack he would turn back the hands of time to save his best friend.

It tore at me, it ate at me that he had been subjected to that, what kind of God did that to someone?

Especially someone as amazing, as talented, as caring and loving as Jeff! It had no rhyme or reason, why did he have to suffer?

Hadn't he suffered enough when he had been suspended for sixty days?

"You know Jeff; MVP makes a very good point!" Adam's voice tore through my thoughts. Where had he come from?

I watched as the rated R superstar strode down to the ring from the side of the staging. He wasn't scheduled to be out there, he wasn't even scheduled to be fighting tonight. Where the hell was Vicky when you needed her?

Off licking her God damn wounds; I knew that it was a story line and she just needed some time out but the whole show seemed to in some kind of meltdown with out the general manager around.

"What the hell are you doing here Copeland!?" Jeff spat at him; clearly he was still reeling from what the writers had just done to him by way of another wrestler.

"I think you should get out there honey," MVP stated as he stepped backstage.

"I'm on it!" I said looking at the controversial star who had voiced that he hadn't wanted to do what he had just been made to do out there.

Tearing a path out on to the staging that led down to the ring; I didn't care if I was going to get in to trouble by doing this. There was no way that I was going to allow Edge to air whatever he knew to the whole world.

"MVP stated that you were suspended, you lost your home, you lost all your possessions and you lost your dog...but there was one thing that he didn't mention you losing!" Adam stated as the crowd caught sight of me as I stood at the top of the stage with the microphone that MVP had handed to me on his way backstage.

"What do you think you are playing at Edge!?" I spoke clearly in to the microphone; my voice instantly transporting to every corner of the arena where we were.

Instantly he turned and looked at me, as Jeff jumped from the ring and made his way towards me; pushing past Edge in the process.

"I already told Jeff...I guess he hasn't relayed our conversation to you! I am going to be taking the one thing that means more to him than even the WWE title...which he will never have!" Adam laughed in to the microphone to a chorus of boos. "It would seem that I am going to be once again taking another girl from another Hardy!"

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