Chapter 54

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Jeff's POV;

Over the past few weeks, Dylan and I had slipped in to this kind of flirtation that seemed to allow us to get out some of our frustrations while we were in company. So when I had slapped her ass earlier or when I had hoisted her over my shoulder it hadn't raised any questions from anyone.

Now we were alone; hidden behind an amplifier case; just stealing a few moments alone; our passion over riding any rationality. My lips hurt from kissing but I daren't stop especially when the uncertainty of when I would be able to do it again loomed over our heads.

The feel of her hands roaming over my body remained in the fore front of my head. How amazing her touch always felt, how amazingly soft and smooth her lips were.

"Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?" I whispered pulling out of the kiss and losing myself in the perfect shape of her beautiful eyes.

"Mmmm hopefully something good!" She purred as her hand slowly slid inside my trousers.

"Oh fuck!" I growled feeling her hand wrap around my shaft as she slowly slid her body down on to the floor a little further.

"Oh fuck; good?" She whispered softly.

It was moments like this that we seemed to be getting good at; hiding in shadows, cloaked in the just seemed that we strived for the hidden encounters like this one.

My hips, as if independent from the rest of my body, rocked towards her hand. My reward was the sight of a sexy seductive smile that she threw in my direction. The feel of her hand tightening around the base of my shaft had me groan out in pleasure as her fingers slid up over the veins that were literally throbbing in desperation.

"I'm taking that groan as a good sign!" She whispered softly in to my ear causing my entire body to shudder with pleasure. "Touch me!"

Looking down over her body to see her panting out of control; her legs slowly parted telling me exactly where she wanted me to touch her.

"Please Jeff; we don't have much time and I am aching for your touch!" She begged in a desperate whisper.

I knew she was right, we could be discovered at any moment and no matter how badly I wanted to plunge my dick in to her molten chamber it would have to wait until everyone was asleep in Corey's house later tonight.

"You're aching?" I growled as my cock seemed to harden just that little bit more like it always did before I would cum harder than any time before.

My release with this woman were like nothing I had ever experienced with anyone whether it was because I knew that she was the one or whether it was something else completely; I didn't much care.

"Throbbing...!" She panted as I slid my hand down the centre of her body. The action had her hand on my dick pump a little harder and a little faster.

Sliding my hand inside her tartan style ring trousers and instantly she was gasping as my fingers slid in to her already wet chamber.

A soft almost inaudible sigh of pleasure pushed through her ruby red lips.

"Do something for me DJ!?" I whispered in to her ear feeling her jerking me closer to shooting in an explosion so great that I'd have to control the primal roar that was building inside me.

"Anything," She panted her hips beginning to rock towards my touch. Using the side of my thumb, I slowly rubbed against the outside of her pussy until the lips were parting making room for my fingers. "Abso-fucking-lutely anything!"

"Close your eyes," I demanded kissing down her neck softly as my fingers got ready to roll her swollen clit between them; I needed us to cum together. Instantly she closed her eyes; hiding their natural beauty from view. "Now imagine it's my tongue inside you,"

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