Chapter 13

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Jeff's POV;

I listened as Dylan asked Shannon to take her friends back to the house, because she needed to take the rental she had hired to go pick up Carmine then head out to Raleigh where she was picking up her stylist, wardrobe guy and personal assistant who were all flying in to help her get ready for tonight.

Shannon agreed saying that he would have to make two trips but he would manage. Looking across at us he looked at Roy.

"You don't mind waiting around until I drop the others off first do ya?" He asked Dylan's ex who smiled at Dylan before turning to Shannon.

"Sure man; I'm easy..." Roy said.

"It's true Shan; he's easier than..." Dylan giggled softly.

God I loved that sound. My eyes drank her in, the way her cloths cut in to her frame; showing off her curves and assests to the best ability that cloths could.

"Hey now!" Roy objected cutting her off.

"Awe dude, you know I love ya," Breezing over to where I was sat with the man in question; her arms wrapped around his neck she leaned in and whispered so quietly in to his ear that I couldn't hear her at all.

"You know Shan; I have my car, I can drop Roy back at your place; save you making two trips," I said glancing back to Shannon before looking back to the two friends who were clearly having a conversation from where they were still holding on to one another.

"Is that ok with you Roy?" Shannon asked causing the man to pull away from Dylan for a few moments as she turned and once again glared at me.

The look in her beautiful dark eyes wasn't something that I was used to seeing on her; whenever I watched her on TV there was always this calm but sexy glint that could render me incapable of doing anything other than watching her with my mouth gaping open widely.

"Yeah as long as Jeff doesn't mind," Roy looked across at me, I could see the sympathy in his eyes as he caught the residue of the glare that Dylan had cast at me.

"I wouldn't have offered had I minded," I replied.

"Just make sure it is really what you want to do before you go offering him something that you won't follow through on," Dylan spat at me before turning on her heel. "I'm outta here guys, catch y'all back at Shannon's," She called back as she swung her bag over her head and headed towards the exit; taking my dignity with her.

I had never thought that her words could cut so deep but I was left feeling as though I had just taken a knife to the chest. I deserved that, I deserved a hell of a lot more considering all that I had done to her in the past.

Roy reached out and touched my shoulder supportively. I was however thankful that she had, had the foresight to keep her insult low enough that the other's hadn't heard it.

The other's bid us farewell after telling me to meet them here tonight at eight and we'd all come in together. But as I watched them I wasn't even sure that I was going to come after all; it was more than obvious that Dylan didn't want me around and I wasn't the guy who would hang around when he wasn't wanted.

"You know that she didn't mean that..." Roy started as we followed on behind the others after a few moments of me trying to regain my composure.

"Didn't she...? 'Cos it sure as hell sounded like venom in her voice to me," I replied as we moved through the lobby of the expensive hotel, people slowly turned to look at us; Roy with half his head blood red, much like Dylan's, and the other half dead black, while my own hair was multi-colored at my own request; both of us littered with tattoos; granted Roy had more but I wasn't exactly ink free, me in a pair of black three quarter length black trousers and a vest top; my hair pulled tightly back in to a bun showing off the multiple colors in my hair. Roy in ripped and faded jeans with a vest top to match my own his hair spiked up in the punk style he wore it in more often than not.

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