Chapter 57

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Christmas Day;
Corey's POV;

Roy, Jim, Claire and myself had arrived at Dylan's Mom's house a little after six pm to find that Dylan and Carmine were planted firmly in hostile waters. Dylan's Mom had no idea how to handle the situation, so I had taken charge.

I asked Claire and Jim to sit with my best friend's Mom. I then asked Roy to go talk to Dylan, while I had a few choice words to say to Carmine. Things were so bad that they were even residing in separate rooms.

"This is getting out of control; when is she going to come to her senses?" Roy asked me as we climbed the stairs of the home where my best friend grew up.

"I guess when she's ready!" I admitted.

Leaving Roy to head in to Dylan's room; from what her Mom had told us; Dylan had taken off in her car a couple of days ago and when she came back; she had gone straight to her room and placed Carmine's things in the hall and ever since they had been sleeping in separate rooms.

Knocking on the door to the room, I received a mumbled enter and pushed the door open. Closing the door behind me, I looked at him lying on the bed staring at the roof clearly looking miserable.

"What do you want?" He demanded of me.

"First you can drop that attitude with me,"

"Excuse me!?"

"Did you really think that I was going to keep my mouth shut forever? More to the point did you honestly think that I wouldn't step in eventually?"

"This has nothing to do with you; this is none of your business,"

"None of my business?" I laughed as I rested against the large dresser. "Have you really learned so little about the relationship that Dylan and I share?"

"That's part of the fucking problem Corey...everything that I share with her, everything that I want us to do as a's all down to what you think, I feel like I am in a relationship with two people when it should be one!"

"You knew who she was when you got involved with her. You knew that being with her meant that you had to accept me...and you wanted her so bad you accepted can't try to change her now!"

"And that is where the problem is...where my problem with you comes from..."

"You have a problem with me now!?"

"You encourage her..." He spat at me angrily.

"Encourage her!? You really don't know her at all do you?" I hissed at him as I lit a cigarette.

"Well maybe I would know her a bit better if you didn't manipulate all of her free time,"

"When did this become about me exactly!?"

"When you are around all the time! I can't get close to her when you are always fucking around. You know if you told her that you weren't happy with her doing this whole wrestling thing she'd listen..."

"Why would I tell her that when its something that she really wants to do; when its something that she is really good at...and you'd see all of that if you weren't being so selfish..."

"Me? Selfish? That's rich coming from a man who won't give us time alone!"

"You know if she didn't want me around she'd say something; doesn't that tell you something?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"Think about it Carmine; Dylan does what Dylan wants; if she wanted me to leave you guys alone she'd tell point is if you accepted her then maybe she'd want to spend more time with you,"

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