Chapter 53

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Des Moines; Iowa;
A few weeks later; Armaggedon P.P.V;
H's POV;

Everyone was surprised to find out who Dylan and I were fighting tonight. Corey had been especially vocal in how he wasn't overly happy about this turn of events; mainly because if something bad were to happen; he'd be the one who would have to inform Carmine, who from all accounts was trying to be as supportive as he could be without having been to any shows.

Dylan had said that they were fighting less, which made for an easier existence for her. But I also knew that our friends hadn't forgiven him for all that he had said to her.

Dylan and Jeff seemed to be growing closer and closer, their connection was undeniable to the majority of us. Except Shannon who seemed to be blissfully ignorant of the fact that it was becoming more apparent that Dylan and Jeff were going to end up together.

Shannon was normally quite an observant guy but he had a lot on his mind lately; he was beyond livid that Mark had decided that he was going to stop at nothing to get me back. Regardless of the amount of times that I told him I was happy and settled in my new relationship.

Apparently in his own mind that meant that I was still fare game. He seemed to assume that it meant that he just had to prove to me that I would be happier and more settled with him.

What he couldn't or wouldn't accept was that I had grown up a lot over the course of us not being together. With Shannon I knew who I was, I knew where I belonged and I knew that I could trust him more than I had ever trusted anyone.

If I were to take Mark back again; I'd lose the sense of who I was because everything was about him and that would inevitably leave me grasping for footing; trying to desperately find where I belonged in his life and my own life. And I knew without a doubt that I couldn't trust him.

How could I trust someone who had cheated on me?

How could I let go of all that had happened?

Besides I didn't want too. Sure I was past it all; I had learned to let it go and I had moved on. I was in a job that I had always wanted to do and I had the one man that I had always been in love with. I had the most amazing friends and Family that I could have ever asked for.

Without Mark I had come on in leaps and bounds. I wasn't the same person I had been, and I was glad for that. I was glad that I hadn't ended up like Beth; Jeff's ex; paranoid beyond believe.

But Shannon had made it easy to become this woman, he had supported me, he had been patient with me, he had given me all of him until I was content and trusted him much more than I had thought that I ever would considering all that had happened.

"You ready honey?" Dylan asked stepping up next to me.

"As ready as I ever will be," I smiled at my friend who was bouncing on the balls of her feet ready to get this show on the road.

Since we were opening the show, it meant that we would have the rest of the night to celebrate. Shannon wasn't scheduled to fight tonight, so that meant that we could leave early. Jeff was fighting MVP so Dylan was going to be accompanying him to the ring, which of course meant that she wouldn't be leaving the P.P.V until the end.

"Corey is still ranting and raving about this!" Dylan giggled as she bent over to stretch her body out. "I swear he is just like a mother hen!"

"Awe he just cares about you!" I laughed as Jeff and Shannon appeared behind my friend and instantly I could see the desire masking Jeff's face as his eyes landed on Dylan's ass.

"Hey you checking my ass out Hardy!?" Dylan laughed obviously seeing him through her legs.

"It's kind of hard to miss!"

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