Chapter 58

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Dylan's POV;

I knew that Roy would explain to my friends and my brother what was going on so Corey and I had slipped out of Matt's house unnoticed. Now that my mind was finally made up, I wanted to just get it over and done with.

Neither Corey or I were drunk but we had, had a few drinks so we didn't want to risk driving and decided that we would just walk the thirty minute hike back to my Mom's house.

We had been walking along the road, that was sandwiched between the thick scattering of trees on either side, for about five minutes when I looked at my best friend.


"Yeah babe?" He looked at me and smiled as he handed me a cigarette.

"You think that I am doing the right thing right?" I asked gladly taking the cigarette and lighting up.

"Without a doubt I would say that you're doing the right thing. I have tried to remain positive but Carmine just doesn't get you and where he once supported you he just doesn't anymore,"

"You like Jeff though, right?" I asked inhaling deeply on my cigarette.

"I think that Jeff is the one who gets you; I think that he is the one who will support you no matter what. I mean when you have just been with him; I have never seen you so happy and I sure as hell have never seen you glow the way you do when you are with Jeff. And I know that, that kind of love doesn't come around too often,"

"Thanks babe!" I said letting his words sink in as he wrapped me up in to his embrace.

"You're welcome sugar," He kissed the top of my head as we continued to make our way back to my Mom's house.

As we walked we slipped in to our normal playful jabber that we had with one another. I was grateful that I had Corey in my life; without him I knew that I would be lost. For all the jokes, all the antics and jabs, he was one of the; if not the most insightful guy that I knew.

My phone started to beep with a text message; reaching in to my black skin tight Versace jean pocket, I pulled my phone out;

'When r u going 2 tell Carmine about u + Jeff?'


"Yeah sweetie?" He asked suddenly realizing that I had stopped and he turned to look at me. "What's wrong?"

Handing him my phone; he read the message as I looked around nervously and as I turned back to look at him my phone beeped with another message. I watched as my best friend opened the message and instantly looked suitably disturbed.

"What is it?" I asked. Not saying a word he handed my phone back to me.

Looking at the screen to see a photo of me and Jeff taken up at Lake Legend last night. Jeff and I had headed out for a drive like we had the night before, he had picked me up at one am, and had ended up at the lake on the Hardy property.

Jeff was lying out on the tartan travel rug, I was straddling his body; head thrown back in reckless abandon as his hands drove me crazy with a hunger that I could still remember twenty four hours later.

"Oh God!" I mumbled turning and throwing up in the grass verge.

"I think it's a good idea to get home as soon as possible. Clearly who ever is doing this is here in town and..."

"What-what if...they've already sent that to...Car-Carmine?" Once again I was throwing up at the thought.

Sure I was heading home to break up with him but I didn't want him to hear about this from anyone else. I owed him the truth from my own mouth, not from some sleazy text message.

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