Chapter 24

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Twenty Minutes later;
H's POV;

Dylan was taking forever in the shower, and Shannon had been calling me continuously wanting to know what was taking us so long.

"Dyl!?" I called in to the shower cubicles from the main area of the girls locker room.

"Yeah?" She called back as the sound of the shower turning off reached to where I was sat on the bench waiting for her to be ready but the sound of her voice seemed to be crying.

I wanted to ask if she was ok, I wanted to check that she didn't want to talk about whatever it was that was upsetting her but the fact that she had clearly used the shower to hide her melt down meant only one thing and that was that she didn't want to talk about it. And if I were to try and get her to open up then I ran the risk of pissing her off.

Getting up I moved to the entrance to the shower cubicle and leant against the tiled wall.

"You about ready to go...? Shannon has been call and calling me..."

"God he is worse than a little bitch with a skinned go on ahead sweetie, I will follow on soon, just text me to let me know where you are all gonna be ok?" She replied causing me to chuckle at the insult directed at her big brother.

"You're sure?" I giggled softly.

"Of course, I could be a while yet," She replied sniffing and I swear if she thought that she managing to hide it from me then she didn't know me very well.

"You sure you don't need anything while I am here?" I asked as once again my phone rang and it was Shannon.

"Go...I am guessing that is big brother again; you better go before he throws his dummy out the crib," She tried her best imitation of giggling only to fail miserably.

"All right, I will text you when we get where ever we are going,"

"Ok honey, see you in a little bit," She replied turning the shower back on obviously to mask her tears.

I hated leaving her and I was actually in two minds as to whether I actually should or not but the latter won because if I hung around it would just make her uncomfortable and I didn't want that.

So slowly turning on my heel, having a very bad feeling I headed out of the women's locker room, closing the door firmly behind me and heading along the hallway, just as Adam Copeland passed by me and smiled saying hi.

Fucking moron, if he thought that I was going to talk to him then he would be waiting a hell of a long time, as I stomped past him intent on getting to my man, to see what his rush was.

Rounding the corner I didn't give Adam a second thought or the fact that he had been heading in the direction of the women's locker room; had I noticed the alarm bells would have instantly gone off in my head especially after all that he had done to my older cousin Matt and his relationship with Amy.

By the time I reached the canteen where Shannon told me they were waiting for me, it seemed that a party was going on. Jim and Claire were stuck in the middle of the group resting against one another looking more happy than I had ever seen them, which was no easy feet because they were always so happy that you just assumed that, that was as happy as they could get but no here they were literally beaming from ear to ear.

"Where is Dyl?" Corey asked looking behind me obviously expecting his best friend to follow me in to the canteen.

"She's still getting showered, she said to just head on without her and to text her from wherever we end up and she will follow on," I said moving until Shannon's arms claimed me once again in a tender hold that did little to calm the raging fire of seeing him and being with him in that ring earlier.

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