Chapter 49

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The following morning;
Claire's POV;

It had been an eventful night; Carmine and Dylan had, had that massive falling out. Dylan had really lost her patience with her fiancé; she had said things that I was sure that she would be regretting this morning. Carmine had bitten back with words that surely would have wounded Dylan just as badly.

But both were stubborn to say the least; both thought they were in the right when it came to the whole wrestling thing and that meant that neither would back down anytime soon. That had been clear when Dylan had fled the apartment last night and hadn't come back. Carmine had also stayed out of sight; locked away upstairs.

I had to believe that it had been for the best that he had stayed out of view considering the look of anger on not only Corey and Roy's faces but also on Shannon's face at hearing his little sister being talked to with such little respect.

Thankfully H had managed to calm him down and told him it was best to leave her alone. When Dylan was mad as she had been; it was best to leave her be; give her space and not over crowd her.

The more that I thought about it; the more I thought it would be for the best that they called it a day. All this fighting wasn't natural and Carmine's blatant disrespect of Dylan's career and abilities wasn't something that my friend should have to deal with on a regular basis.

Jim and I moved down to the bottom floor of the penthouse apartment. We had woken an hour ago to find the winter sun was high in the sky; making it feel like it would be a nice day outside.

"Morning guys!" I said finding Corey and Jeff in the kitchen having coffee. "Any sign of Dyl this morning?"

"Yeah she's in her room getting ready..."

"Getting ready?" Jim asked looking at Jeff.

"Yeah she and H have a meeting with Shane at The Four Seasons in an hour and then she has advised us men to find something to do because y'all are going shopping!" Jeff informed us as he took the cigarette that Corey held out to him.

"Well I'm going to talk to her," I said lighting the cigarette that Corey had given me, and looked at the man who had been the most angry last night at Carmine's treatment of his best friend. "I think coffee is in order,"

"Do I look like a wet nurse?"

"Now that you come to mention it; I think that you'd look kinda fetching in a nurses outfit!" I giggled.

"Root; control your woman!" Corey grumped.

I giggled as I heard Jim saying that he didn't own me and couldn't control me. Only to be told that he was a pussy from his friend. I listened as the two men continued to rib one another as I climbed the stairs and made my way to Dylan's bedroom door.

"Yeah!?" She called out once I had knocked on the double doors.

"Hey it's just me can I come in?"


Pushing the door open, I stepped in to the room. Dylan had owned this apartment for about four years, so she had, had it designed to her own specific tastes long before she had met Carmine. I knew that he wanted lighter colours; he wanted the apartment to be brighter but he had been quickly reminded that if he wanted a preppy girlfriend he knew where the door was.

"Hey what's up babe?" Dylan asked as she was clearly struggling to straighten the hair on the back of her head.

"Carmine isn't here?" I asked closing the door and moving to her and taking the iron tongs from her hand.

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