Chapter 21

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Roy's POV;

When it became clear that Corey and Dylan weren't coming back in to the room any time soon, Claire and Jim excused themselves to go to bed; their hunger for one another seemingly getting the better of them.

Which left Matt, Jeff and I sat in the living room, staring at nothing in particular, the fun that we had been having seemingly sucked out of the room as Dylan had left. That was just the way with my ex; she was something else, her presence was something that couldn't be described, much like Jeff she had charisma that held your attention for however long she wanted to hold it.

"So Roy what are you gonna do when Corey and Jim head back to Slipknot?" Matt asked seemingly trying to find something to fill the silence with.

"I have a few things in the pipeline, I have a show in the UK in a couple of weeks and then I am gonna get some writing done,"

"You write?" He asked as Jeff stared at the spot where Dylan had disappeared.

"Yeah I write a lot...mostly on the piano and then I can get a better feel of things for the drums you know?" I smiled.

This was a hard situation for everyone involved, it was clear the connection and attraction between Dylan and Jeff was still there. There was nothing that could be done to fight it, they would just have to accept it and as much as I liked Carmine, the quicker Jeff and Dylan admitted that what had always been between them was still as strong, if not stronger, as it had always been the easier it would be on everyone involved.

Matt and I both turned as Jeff got up from the sofa and stalked out of the room heading for the kitchen. Matt went to get up and I reached my hand out to him.

"Would you mind Matt? I just think that it would be better if someone who knew Dylan talked to him?" I suggested.

"Sure; I'm pretty beat anyway but tell him if he wants to talk, just to come to my room?" Matt asked me. It was clear to anyone who met the brothers that they were close, and that they always made sure that they were there for one another.

"I will do," I replied getting to my feet. "I'll see you in the morning,"

"Night," Matt replied heading off up the stairs to the second floor of the beach house as I slowly made my way back to the kitchen and found Jeff gulping down a fresh bottle of Vodka Ice.

"You think that's a good idea?" I asked resting against the doorway and watched as he whirled round to look at me.

"Its the best idea I have, so yeah!" He replied running his hands through his hair and sighing heavily. "She's just so insufferable you know?"

"Oh yeah I know," I chuckled softly knowing exactly what he was talking about. Dylan could drive the calmest person to the brink of insanity with her stubborn streak.

But when she made up her mind that was it, there would be rarely any changing it. With a mind of her own it took a certain person to be able to deal with her and the woman that she was.

"She was like that when you two were together?" Jeff asked lighting a cigarette and offering me one from the pack.

"Yep...stubborn, headstrong, insufferable, independent..."

"How did you stand it?" He asked as I smiled remembering all the good times that Dylan and I had shared as a couple.

"'Cos I loved her and all those things pale in comparison when she gives you her heart," I admitted thinking back in time knowing that some of my best memories were with Dylan and I wouldn't change that if anyone asked me too.

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