Chapter 3: Who is that?

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Louis's POV

Father was annoying me. I couldn't think straight with him around. I always thought that I hated him being in his office all day away from the family, but I have realised that I actually prefer it. He's too snappy when he's stressed and even more so now, not that he would tell us why.

Mother is still stressed over staffing, trying to find two new tutors and a nanny. Thankfully, the current people who are filling in have agreed to stay as long as they were required, to help the situation. I had heard a rumour, however, that James had left after training another person for two weeks.

I remembered James. Even though staff weren't allowed to come up to us, there was no rule against us going down to see them. We didn't invade their privacy, of course, but public spaces like the kitchen were always intriguing to young children. Especially when you figured out where to find the snacks.

I knew every member of our staff, whether it be by name or not, I knew everyone's face. I didn't talk to anyone, and if I'm completely honest I think that they don't really like me. I don't blame them, sometimes I don't like me.

I do remember a time once where I had called for my sister down the hall and I could have sworn I saw one of them flinch. I shook it from my memory until Roman had sent me an article that had been issued that morning. It claimed that I would punch or hit Mother and Father if they didn't give into my yelling.

It was removed from the internet by Mr Payne by the end of the day, but it was too late. Everyone had seen it. It did surprise me, I guess, about how much people believe what they read. I don't know why people make assumptions about others that they don't know. Eventually, I put it down to human instinct.

It was my own fault. I didn't want to be in the public eye; it was too much pressure. I guess that means that my personality was left open to interpretation.

I was carrying my youngest sisters on my hips, swaying them to the music as they laughed into the sides of my neck. We had just finished dinner and they were in the mood to dance. The staff were clearing away our plates, food, and cutlery from the table as I watched a boy appear in the doorway.

By the look on his face, I could tell that he was expecting the door to be closed. Once he saw me, however, he froze. Our eyes met as my laugher reduced and I stared into these mesmerising green orbs. There was no way that he was older than me, but he was definitely taller. Brown curls hung from his head and his clothes made it clear that he must be who James left behind as head chef.

Once he realised that he had been caught, his body desperately launched into action. It wasn't until he made his way out of the front door that I thought of anything strange. People don't leave. Ever.

To say that I wasn't intrigued into who this boy was would be a lie, and I made a mental note to speak to Father. As I passed my sisters over to their nanny, a conversation suddenly popped into my head. Mr Payne had said that James would return if a boy came with him. And the boy didn't live at the palace.

I knew what I could do. I didn't need to speak to Father, neither did I want to. This boy was gorgeous, and I wasn't going to let him slip through my fingers that easily.

Harry's POV

My first day alone went better than could've been expected. I received complements regarding the standard of my food and that made me very happy. It was the first time, however, that a gentleman appeared in the kitchen to inform me of the Queen's request for dinner that evening.

It quickly occurred to me that the man was Her Majesty's private secretary and I respectfully nodded, gathering the food and preparing the meal. It was complex and I knew I would need more time than normal.

As I took the vegetables over to the sink to be washed, my eyes flickered up to look at what was moving outside the window. I was surprised to find Prince Louis riding a horse around a school, jumping fences and cantering gracefully. The horse was gorgeous too, and I couldn't help but smile at how happy and free the boy looked. Maybe he wasn't as everyone said after all.

I sent dinner out on time by the skin of my teeth as my heart rate soared. It was a close call, but after allowing myself time to calm down, I began to clear away. I had taken a little longer than usual due to the amount of mess I had created in my haste. I didn't look at the clock before I left the kitchen.

I was making my way swiftly down the corridors, keeping my head down, as I noticed the butlers collecting plates and food from the dining room. There was music coming from within the walls and the doors were wide open.

I couldn't change the reaction of my body as I froze, and my eyes landed on the sight before me. The Prince was dancing, his youngest sisters on his hips, and they laughed and smiled at each other. And then he looked right at me. Shit.

I wasn't supposed to be there. I wasn't supposed to get caught. I wasn't supposed to leave. Yet here I was, knowing that his highness would watch me do all of that. My body didn't move as our eyes connected. My stomach fluttered; he was breath-taking.

No. I couldn't do this. I had to get out of there, so I did. I forced my body into action, ripping my gaze from him as I headed out of the door. This wasn't good. I promised myself that I would stay away from him.

I arrived back at our spot to greet Gemma and mum with some food that I picked up on the way home. They both smiled gratefully at me as we ate, each talking about our day. I told them everything, not that life at the palace was exciting, but they enjoyed hearing about my adventures.

I was debating on whether I should tell them about the Prince, and I decided that I had to tell someone. I didn't want mum to know; she would only worry more about if I was going to lose my job over it and then we would be really stuck. So instead, I waited until she was asleep and told Gemma everything.

She was really happy for me, but equally shared my concern about the Prince telling someone that I had been caught by him. She agreed, I could possibly lose my job. I fell asleep that night, dreaming deeply about a certain blue-eyed boy's wide smile and curvy waist.

Double update aren't you lucky? Let me know what you think! All the love x

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