Chapter 14: Slipping through my fingers

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Louis's POV

I couldn't really argue with that. I mean, I could, but everything he said was the truth. He summed up every reason that I was scared to come out into one conversation, and he knew it too. 

But Harry is my life, my everything. I had to think of a compromise, and quick.

"I will not break up with Harry. I love him, I think you saw that. But I will date Eleanor in the public eye under my terms. Not breaking up with Harry is one term, the second is that nothing, and I mean nothing, will be published without myself, my father, and Harry seeing and agreeing to it first." I turned to Mr Payne in the corner of the room. "Mr Payne, I want that written in a contract as soon as possible. Now, I'm going to spend some time with my boyfriend. You can fuck off."

And with that, I left, in search of the boy of my dreams to explain the situation.

Harry wasn't exactly happy when I found him to explain. I tried to break it to him as gently as possible, ensuring that I repeated multiple times that I loved him, I wasn't really dating Eleanor, and they couldn't tear us apart. He seemed to understand, or at least that's what he tried to portray. He was thinking though, and I was kicking myself for not just sucking it up and coming out to the world.

Harry's POV

I guess I understood, something like this was bound to happen. It still felt like my fault, even though my brain told me I should be blaming Louis, I couldn't. I just had to hope that this Eleanor girl didn't actually like Louis. Who was I kidding, everyone wanted to date a Prince.

But to me, he wasn't a Prince. That's a stupid thing to say, of course he's a Prince. But when we were alone, or even around his family, he was the gorgeous boy with ocean blue eyes that I got lost in conversation with. He was the boy that I loved spending time with to the point that I let him run away with my heart. He was my boyfriend; he was just Louis.

I didn't think it would be that hard. He might go on a few pap walks, take a few pictures and then come home and cuddle me on the couch. But when the first one happened; I wasn't quite ready.

Louis had spent the day with this girl in public, walking and shopping around the expensive end of London. He had been papped, organised of course, but what wasn't organised was the timing. They had stopped at a café when they were mobbed, and Louis being the gentleman he was placed an arm around her waist to shield her from the crowd.

Of course, that gave the press the perfect photographs of them so say 'hugging' as he 'protected her'. They instantly labelled her as his girlfriend and articles about the country's future Queen were already in circulation.

I put a strong face on when Louis came home. We both knew I had been shown the article due to the contracted agreement of publishing. He instantly brought me into his arms, leading me upstairs to his room so we could watch a movie and I could snuggle into his chest. We fell asleep like that, and I felt a little better about the situation.

Trust. The firm belief in the reliability, truth or ability of someone or something. You may automatically think that I didn't trust Louis. That's not true, I did, but I didn't trust myself to trust him.

I have always suffered with voices in my head telling me to do things. Not literal voices, I'm not insane, but instincts and my conscience. I wouldn't believe that Louis was cheating on me, but they would tell me he was anyway. And I wasn't ever strong enough to believe otherwise.

We haven't been more affectionate than a few pecks on the lips since the contract was signed. We certainty haven't had sex since the morning Louis's father walked in. I wasn't in the mood, always coming up with excuses when he asked what was wrong. He would hold me when I cried, never expecting an explanation, and I knew deep down I didn't deserve him.

Louis's POV

A few days later, I woke up with Harry tucked under my arm in my room. The previous day had been stressful for me, and I didn't tell Harry where I was going. I had called a meeting with Mother, Father, Mr Payne and the deputy Prime Minister, Edward Sheeran. We had a plan, something I couldn't tell Harry about. So, when I came home after being mysteriously gone all day and told him it was nothing, he needed reassuring.

As Harry stirred, I looked down to meet his gaze when his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning, princess." I kissed his nose and then his lips before he snuggled closer into my chest to keep warm.

"Louis! You need to see this! You and Elean-" Roman stopped talking when he entered my room and saw Harry in my arms. I knew something was wrong. He never kept anything from Harry and the desperation was clear in his voice. It was too late; it was clear to everyone he was about to finish Eleanor's name.

I got out of bed to speak to him at the doorway, only a few metres away from Harry. Roman turned the phone to my viewing silently and I was glad Harry had his back to me when my eyes almost popped out of my head. It was an article, something I hadn't seen or approved, and it claimed that Eleanor was pregnant with my child. I didn't care about that. What worried me was the photo they had used.

It looked too good to be edited, and on closer inspection it didn't look like me. I knew it wasn't, of course, because the only two people I have ever had sex with in my life are my ex-boyfriend and Harry. Yet here I was, front page news, photographed while "fucking Eleanor".

Harry couldn't see this. Not after yesterday. Why was everything against me in this universe? He asked to see the phone, and when I declined his face shattered. Climbing out of bed, he stormed towards me, ripping the phone from my hand before I had a chance to react.

The tears came first. Then the shock as he shoved the phone back into my hands. Sobbing, he ran from the room and Roman stopped me from going after him.

Harry's POV

I didn't know what to think. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I felt as though it was worth six. He cheated. He doesn't love you. I ran to the only place I knew comfort, greeted by a smiling Niall who instantly pulled me into a hug, shushing my cries.

Niall and I had become particularly close since the whole stunt started. He didn't ask questions, which I was extremely thankful for, and just helped me make cookies. I was halfway through the batter, still wiping tears from my face, when I heard his voice whisper my name.

I looked up to see Louis's bloodshot eyes. It felt good, I guess, knowing that he cried. Hurting me made him realise that he fucked up. Good. I wanted him to share this pain, even though I hadn't hurt him, I wanted him to know what it felt like. The emotion was so overwhelming that it reminded me of when I used to cut, yet I felt the same sting without placing a blade to my wrist.

"Get out." I tried to sound strong, but I failed myself. I was falling apart, and the only person that I wanted to catch me was the one who had dropped me. He whispered my name again, adding a please on the end. Like that was going to fix shit. "Get out!"

Niall ensured that Louis left me alone, at least until dinner time when he tried again. I would normally eat with the family as the Queen had insisted I was one of them now. I didn't that night, instead cuddling into Gemma as I nibbled on some toast. I couldn't eat. I felt sick at just the thought.

Knowing that I had given my everything to Louis. My heart, my trust, my love. My fucking virginity for God's sake. And he had the audacity to say I love you but fuck some random chick. I hated him, hated myself for ever breaking my promise of staying away from him at the start.

What do you think Louis is planning? Will Harry forgive him? Wait and see! All the love x

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