Chapter 19: Angels on Earth end up in heaven

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Louis's POV

Angel1970. You're now King.

My mind was everywhere but where Harry deserved it to be. I was contemplating everything on our way home. From how this was going to affect us as a couple, to how young I was for this to be happening. I was turning twenty in a week, a celebration that we were due to spend at the castle alone.

I didn't care about my birthday anymore, just my family and Harry. Harry. Oh god. I left him alone in the corridor whilst I had been crying with no explanation. I followed Roman into Mother and Father's shared room, completely breaking down inside but staying strong for the woman that taught me to always to just that.

My mother had always been my rock. She taught me how to portray myself, hold myself, and be strong for those around me. But right now, that person was holding the hand of my Father.

I wrapped my arms around her before turning to the bed. I couldn't hold in the sob that left my lips at the man led before me. His face was white, cold, and I almost missed the moment that she explained what had happened. I think I had known for a while, and I think she had too.

The doctors confirmed that he had been suffering with cancer but didn't want to tell anyone. They assured us that he hadn't suffered any pain and passed peacefully in his sleep. I sat next to Mother and held her whilst we cried, slowly processing his death.

Roman came in after a while and requested my permission to tell Harry. It caught me off guard for a moment, it finally dawning on me that I was in charge now. Decisions came from me. I made it clear to Roman that Harry never needed permission to know anything. He had just as much of a right to know about situations as I did.

But in this moment, I felt as though it should be something that I tell Harry myself. Not just because he was my partner, but because I was longing for his touch to make this pain go away for a while.

Harry's POV

Louis had been gone for a while and I was growing increasingly restless. I knew he was upset, and no matter what the reason was for it, I wanted to be the one to hold him and make everything alright again. I asked Roman where he was and if I could see him. His response was just that Louis had royal duties to attend to with his mother. That was odd; Louis never had royal duties.

I pressed Roman, desperate to see my boy. He finally gave in and hurried off to seek permission. He came back a few minutes later with Louis and left us by closing the door with a sad smile. Louis came and sat next to me on the bed and I instantly drew him into my arms.

He was still crying, and I just let him have a moment, rocking him in my arms. We cuddled into each other whilst lying down fully on the mattress and Louis began to calm down. "It was Father." My mind focused on one word. Was, not is, and it was that moment that I knew. "I think I knew when we left. He gave me a speech about life and you and how much he loved us both. He didn't feel any pain, but he's gone, Harry."

I just pulled him closer to my body as he asked me a question that hit home. "How did you do it?"

"Together," I whispered. "We'll do it together."

Louis stayed stuck to me for the next few hours until there was a gentle knock on the door. Louis grumbled and shied away into my chest, so I was the one who had to shout for them to enter. Roman appeared at the doorway and offered us both a sympathetic look.

"It's time to say goodbye, your majesty."

Louis's eyes snapped open and I soothed his hair. "His majesty? God, that's just hit me." He sighed as he crawled from the bed and I watched him move to my side, staring into my eyes as he outstretched his hand. I entwined our fingers and held myself together for Louis's sake as we said our goodbyes and the late King was taken away.

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