Chapter 22: Simple, but effective

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Louis's POV

The following six months were a blur. I guess being King wasn't as bad as I thought it would be now that I had Harry by my side. He was there when I needed him, able to calm me down when I was nervous to talk in front of people and he was able to give me advice when I was unsure.

Mother had also been talking to me a lot over my life and what was to come. I lost count over how many meetings we had with Mr Sheeran regarding my official coronation. I threw a request in a few months after planning began and probably pissed everyone off, but I didn't care. What I had planned meant more to me than the coronation itself.

I was so tired each night that me and Harry didn't really do much together. We usually cuddled on the bed watching a film until one of us fell asleep, usually me first. I would sometimes wake him up with a kiss to his lips, but more than often I would let him lie in. He didn't need to be up at the ungodly hour I was, so I didn't make him. There was no point in two of us being tired.

After the first month following Harry's birthday, he began to grow more and more worried about me. I don't blame him, Mother was visibly concerned too. I sometimes skipped meals, not because I wanted to, but purely because I got so lost in my work that I didn't realise the time or I was too busy I just forgot.

Harry sat me down to talk about it soon after that and we agreed that I needed a routine set of breaks throughout the day. Gemma drew me up a timetable, bless her, and she made sure to add some more time with Harry into my day. From then on, he would come and sit with me whilst I filled out and read over paperwork, and we would put all work aside to eat lunch and chat.

Harry continued to help me in any way he could. He would take papers to various offices or deliver a letter to the post box if I needed it sent to parliament. He would remind me of my meetings even though Roman did too, but I have an awful memory, so I was grateful.

We had a date night every Friday, alternating weeks of who would organise the event. In addition, we took the first of every month off completely to be with each other in the Stylinson block. They are my favourite twelve days of the year. Just my time to be with the one I love.

By the time the coronation was looming closer, I finally told Harry which day it was going to be. He wasn't pleased per say, but he understood that I didn't have a say. Not true, of course, I just couldn't tell him the truth. I requested our anniversary, September 28th, so that my surprise would mean so much more. I knew it had only been a year, but I also knew that Harry was my then, now, and forever.

The morning of the ceremony we were kept apart. That wasn't my plan, but I had to go with it. The quicker I got ready, the quicker we could start, and I really wanted it to be over before it had even begun.

When we first woke up, we spent around half an hour in bed. Harry was tucked under my arm as I threaded my fingers through his curls, and he purred into the touch. We shared kisses and touches until Roman came and told us that it was time to part.

I gave Harry one final kiss goodbye before he sighed and left the room. It broke my heart to see him so upset, but I knew that it would be alright in the end. This was it, not my day, but ours. Mother, Anne, Lottie and Gemma were all there to help the plan run smoothly. Gemma and Anne were in charge of getting Harry ready. I chose him a matching suit to mine, not that he would know until he arrived.

Once I was dressed and my stylist was applying my makeup, I received a text from Lottie. 'He absolutely loves the suit, look x'. Attached was a video of my baby twirling around like a princess in the great hall with Daisy and Phoebe. He was so good with my sisters; another reason I loved him so much.

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