Chapter 4: Braiding Secrets

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This chapter is dedicated to the_one_wolf for being so supportive of my writing. It means so much! I hope you enjoy. All the love xx

Harry's POV

The Prince is like a drug. Something I need now I'm addicted. His smile makes my body tingle, and his eyes sparkle brighter than the diamonds in his crown. He was taking family photographs the other day and I will never forget the sight.

I was asked to bring through some snacks for the Princesses. Something healthy but also something that appealed to young children. It was a tough challenge, but I eventually decided upon a simple range of fruits, vegetable sticks and dips. I knew from James that cucumber and carrot with humous was Princess Lottie's favourite, and I was sure the younger ones would like it too.

As I brought the food into the room to lay it out on the table, I couldn't help but steal a glance at Prince Louis. He was wearing a white button up shirt, embroidered in fine floral details. The buttons were outlined in gold and a brown bow tie was secured around his neck. His blazer was black, white embroidery flowing across his shoulders and black dress pants matched perfectly.

What topped it off, however, was his crown. It was gold, matching his shirt's buttons, and held dark red rubies in its patterns. The red matched the soft makeup covering his lips and popped the contrast of his ocean blue eyes. He was gorgeous.

His eyes flashed towards me so quickly I couldn't react in time. He caught me staring. How embarrassing. Just as my cheeks were flushing pink, one of the twins came running over to the table. After I turned to exit the room, I felt a small hand tugging at my apron. I span around to find the little princess trying to gain my attention.

Her nanny quickly apologised, pulling her away, and she ran over to the Prince. She whispered something into his ear before he giggled at her comment, looking at me and smirking. Princess Lottie gave a small glance between her brother's expression and my flushed state before raising her eyebrow.

I had braided my hair that day. It was getting too long to leave down whilst preparing food. I didn't think much of it as I returned to continue preparing lunch. After each member of the family had eaten and I had cleared everything away, a woman entered the kitchen.

She was wearing a black suit, which told me instantly that she was one of the privately hired secretaries. After informing me that Princess Lottie had requested my presence, she beckoned me to follow her and I timidly walked through the house.

The woman knocked on a door, opening it upon hearing a younger female voice giving her permission. As I was ushered inside, the door was closed behind us and the young girl smiled warmly.

"You must be the one who makes all our lovely food!" She exclaimed, telling me to sit in a chair next to the desk of the room. I nodded slowly, smiling slightly at the complement. "So, Daisy wants you to braid her hair. And I would like you to do mine too, please." My eyes widened in surprise at her request, but none the less I took her hairbrush and began to style her hair to her liking.

During the time it took for me to run two Dutch braids through her locks, she asked me lots of questions. She knew my name, my favourite colour, how many siblings I had, my favourite hobby and my lucky number. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was as I finished her hair, and she asked the woman who came into the kitchen to fetch her little sister.

Once Princess Daisy had arrived and I started to braid her hair the same way, the woman excused herself for a few moments to use the restrooms. That was the point that Princess Lottie became a little braver, asking me one final question. My age.

I didn't think anything of it, that was until I gave her the information she desired, and she grinned, muttering a quiet "perfect" under her breath. I turned to look at her, eyebrows raised, as I asked what she meant.

"No reason." She smiled smugly as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap and I nodded, turning back to Princess Daisy. "My brother is only two years older than you."

I attempted to hide my blush at the mention of the Prince in our conversation, but I failed miserably. As I tied off the last of the youngest girl's braids, the woman motioned for me to leave. I don't know when she came back from the restrooms but there we go.

"Braid your hair more often, Harry!" Princess Lottie shouted just as I reached the door. I glanced over my shoulder to look at her. "Louis likes it."

I blushed, embarrassed, as the woman chuckled slightly and escorted me back to the kitchen. I was leaning against the sink, trying to rid myself of the butterflies spiralling in my stomach as I heard a voice behind me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you would be in here."

I span around, shocked that he would be in the kitchen, and I was once again met with the piercing blue eyes that suffocated my every thought. He explained that he was going to grab a snack whilst scratching the back of his neck. Was he nervous? Surely not.

I rubbed my arm awkwardly, trying to avoid his gaze, as I asked if he wanted me to make him anything. Politely declining, he made his way back out of the kitchen and I was left wondering what the hell that was about.

Louis's POV

He was addictive. His green eyes were just something I couldn't erase from my memory. He gave me everything in just one look, yet I wanted so much more. He controlled my every thought, and I was nervous to talk to him.

Insecurities are shit, everyone knows that. But in that moment, with our eyes on each other whilst being alone in one room, I suddenly lost all my confidence. It was stupid. As soon as I left, I wanted to run back inside to apologise. I was such a jerk.

The more I thought about the boy, the more I hated myself. I kept bringing up my past in my subconscious, reminding myself of all the horrible things I had done that he would judge me for. Not eating, marking my skin, thinking the worst things possible about my life. Yet here he was, not living under a roof for all I knew.

I noticed that he wore the same two outfits on rotation, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were all the clothes he owned. If so, why? Didn't he have enough money to buy more? I felt so selfish, wanting to end my life yet it was everything anyone could possible ever wish for. I was a fucking prince for God's sake. But that didn't change the way I felt. I wouldn't wish this life upon anyone.

Lottie said that it wasn't so bad. She thinks I just need someone to help me find the positives in it. Maybe she was right, but there wasn't anyone out there that would be able to put up with me for long enough. If I let them into my life, I would have to let them into my thoughts, and I didn't know if I was ready for that.

So both boys have secrets, but is Louis slowly figuring Harry's out? Let me know what you think so far! All the love x

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