Chapter 20: Christmas Cheer

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Louis's POV

It's quite surreal, how you can go from feeling so empty to filling everything in the chaos of a single moment. My grief for Father was instead replaced by the happy memories of his talent - coordinating each Christmas grander than the last. As I stood in front of every member of staff crowded into our largest ballroom, I yawned and took a second to wake up.

I set the building plans in motion for me and Harry to have a space for ourselves as soon as I could. He was overjoyed when I told him and almost tackled me to the floor in a hug. At the moment, however, I was wishing that it was already done. I have no idea how Father managed such incredible mornings full of magic and surprise, but it was a dam right sight harder than it looked.

I was stressed. That's the best way to put it. Me and Harry woke up late, sleeping through two alarms. Either way, it was still early, but instead of it being two am, it was now four. The twins would be up soon, and I had instructed Anne to keep them in their rooms with their stockings to occupy them until told otherwise.

Just as I was shouting at two younger members of our staff, Harry finally game downstairs and wrapped his long arms around my waist, pulling me into his chest. He lent down into my ear, whispering, "be nice," before kissing my cheek. I sighed, knowing he was right and apologised to the girls.

With a small chuckle, Harry took over my instructions. "Everyone will spend the rest of today in this room, I am leaving Gemma in charge for set up. Do as she sees fit, please." He quickly lowered his voice sucking gently on my neck. "You're coming with me."

Harry pulled me out of the room and up the stairs to our bedroom, dismissing guards and personnel as he went. I was slightly confused until he took two strong palms against my chest and pushed me backwards onto the soft mattress. Giggling, he closed the door and straddled my waist.

He paused, staring into my eyes for a moment as I got lost in his, before leaning down into my face. I closed my eyes in anticipation but when no pressure to my mouth came, I opened them again. Harry was smiling brightly at my flushed state and clearly this wasn't going quite where I thought it was.

We hadn't celebrated my birthday, too caught up in royal duties and plans for the new building. Christmas was a must, though, so I didn't mind. I still spent my day with the people I loved, and Harry made me breakfast which was lovely.

Just as I got lost in my thoughts, he licked his lips and finally kissed me. I slowly dragged my fingertips across the skin under his jumper whilst he hummed against me and swiped his tongue along my bottom lip to deepen the kiss. It only lasted for a minute or two until I moaned, and he pulled away, allowing me to notice something in his eyes.

"What's wrong, babe?"

He shook his head gently whilst cupping my cheek and placed a final peck to my forehead before he spoke. "We need to talk." Shit. I nodded, shuffling up the bed as he followed me and wrapped me into his arms. I guess it can't be that bad if he still wants me near him.

"I know you're too scared to ask, but I can tell, I think. But I never like to assume so I wanted to bring it up and talk. But I don't think we should do it now even if I am right in what I'm thinking. It should be special, I guess. I want it to be special for you. God, I don't even know if I'm on the completely wrong page."

I giggled at him, turning my head to look at his blushing cheeks. "Darling?"


"What the hell are you on about?"

"Umm... Lou, do you want me to fuck you?" I almost chocked on my spit at his words as my eyes widened. "Like I said, I might have it wrong, and I'm sorry if I do, but I feel like you've been hinting and like maybe-"

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