𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲

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(This is a headcanon)

𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬/𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲:

   Cornelius was a very kind and sweet god who was a very loved and cared by many gods, one day one of the gods killed another god as an act of jealousy, Cornelius being the kind "person" that he is took the fault causing him to be kicked out of the god realm.

  When he was kicked out he landed in a village where they took him as one of them, Cornelius gave the village life and happiness and in return the village gave him permission to date Cat corpse.

   When "Dreams" loved ones died died he asked the gods to quote "make him perish" wich they didn't they just removed "dreams" memories and since they loved "dream" they gave him a chance to be happy again and have a normal peaceful life so dream turned young again and sent to a family and rebirth "dreams" loved ones and assigned another god to protect him and his loved ones from any evil who wish to cause him harm, and that guardians name is Dream XD.

How dream got his name

Cat: you are so lovely and beautiful your like my "Dream" come true

George: Dream how did you get your powers? You know because no one actually has powers except for species and those are very rare

"Dream": i don't know, but something tells me im much more than just a species....

Dream XD: Dream i decided to finally let you talk to more people...

Nightmare & Dremon: hi

Dream XD: leave, the door is open, come near me and I will literally boil you alive, leave my boy alone 😤

Nightmare & Dreamon: 😑😒


Nightmare: is the recreation of dreams past, nightmares and insecurities and the recreation of dream but in a twisted and nightmarish way, he takes control over dreams body and causes harm to others through dream he is also the reason of dreams lost memory's since when Nightmare takes control dream can't remember what happens (this is inspired by my love of rare disorders this one being Dissociative Identity Disorder)

Dreamon: is showdowy/demonic figure that controls people and makes them the opposite of who they where or lets out their true selfs, its a creature with no mercy and is very blood thirsty.

Dream XD: is Dreams gardian since he was little and is the closes thing DreamXD has as family, he is extremely strong and powerful being able to go on and off creative mod wich is known as something only the most powerful can do.

"Dream": is the God of the server being able to do multiple things like healing, regeneration, puppet manipulation, manipulation, inmortality, inmess strength, weather manipulation, able to control people's body. Dream is very sensitive to people telling him what to do and to people making fun of him wich makes Drean upset wich causes/allows Nightmare to take control, he has a very charming and sweet aura that causes people to imidiatly trust him and like him wich can be a good thing or bad, he is also very sweet and calming as well as funny and respectful. He has curved heart shaped wings and a scar in his left eye that goes from his cheek to across his eyebrow caused by the hunters that tried to kill him (more on that in another chapter).

I write "Dream" like that because he never really changed his name so its basically just a nickname he adopted as his "official name"

So uhhh yeah, thanks Niki for giving me advice to make this chapter more enjoyable/descriptive so yep

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