𝐈𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦

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(Sorry if its not accurate to a really maid cafe or just a cafe in general and bad grammar, anyways hope you enjoy)


Ilumina woke up and took his phone that was charging on his nightstand and looked at the time '9:30'. He got up and got ready for the day, afterwards he walked outside with his computer and wallet and walked down the street avoiding the crowds of people around him, he soon came to a stop as he saw the familiar café. He doesn't really like cafés but recently a maid got his attention and ever since he went to that cafe everyday developing a crush on the boy but who couldn't his soft looking dirty blonde hair, his cute freckles, his forest green eyes and his voice. Illumina saw him as just the perfect person someone he wanted to be with everyday and jet he couldn't bring himself to even ask for his name, he only found out about by his fellow employees who seem to have a great friendship with the boy. There where three employees that seem to be friends with him two of them make the coffee one with clout glasses and brown hair the other with a bandana and black hair and the threed was the cashier with light brown hair his like the dad figured for what he saw. Illumina opened the door of the cafe hearing the little bell of the door smiling as the smell of cafe filled his nose, he took a set placing his laptop on the table looking around trying to see the boy, he only saw the the cashier and the boy he liked talking to him. He smiled as he the boy walked up to him with a little notebook and a pen, Illumina couldn't wait to hear the voice that he loves so much.

"Well good morning welcome to the star cafe, same as usual?" The boy said with a sweet smile making Illumina blush

"Y-yeah thanks"

"Alright coming right up" he said as he was about to walk away

"Wait!!" Ilumina said immediately regretting it seeing everyone in the cafe stare at him making him blush in embarrassment

"Yeah?" The boy said turning around

Illumina didn't want to ruin his day with the boy turning him down but he liked the boy for a year now and honestly he was tired of being a puss.

"Can I have your number" Ilumina said with confidence but a tiny bit of nervousness

The boy turned around and walked away not saying anything but Illumina could see the boys flushed face. Illumina looked down feeling like an idiot, he got up about to take his laptop and walk out but suddenly he say the boy put his coffee and a plate of apple pie on next to his laptop, he looked at it and saw a paper that said 'sorry if i upset you have some pie i paid for it:)' with a phone number after it. Ilumina blushed and looked at the boy who only smiled at him, Illumina smiled back and sat back on his seat typing the phone number on his phone. He could tell that this will be a good day.



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