𝑷𝒖𝒏𝒛 𝒙 𝑫𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎

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Tittle: " 𝗕𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗳𝗳 "

Sound: Relaxing river sounds
Theme: Jealous boyfriend

(Re posted)


Punz POV

I hate this so much
I was with my boyfriend Dream and his friend Sapnap and George who were both standing way to close to dream for my confort so I do what any reasonable adult would do.... walk up to my boyfriend and push his best friends away from him, that seems reasonable right? I grabbed dream by his waist and shutting a death stare at his friends making them tense up, dream smiled at me and then threw a ender pearl in the air making us look at it seeing the pearl fly away to a river so we follow it and then stopping at the river

"This looks really pretty"
Dream said in his chill voice

I looked at him before giving him a couple of kisses on his head before looking back at the the view

"Yeah it is but emagine it at night with all those stars"

"Mhm that would look breath taking, it would really be a beutiful view"

"Your a beutiful view dream"
Sapnap said putting a rose in dreams hair making him look really cute but it still made me mad

"Back off..."
I said in a quite serious and harsh tone making Sapnap jump

"Yes sir! You got it"
Sapnap said before running past the river and sitting on the tall grass

"Oooh is someone jealous!~"

"No... idk what your talking about"
I said calming down my anger and annoyance as I lay my head on top of dreams head

"Don't lie, your being overprotective wich only happens when your jealous"

"Ugh you know me too well"
I said taking his hand and planting a small kiss on his nuckles

Soon I noticed that he was staring at George who had a flower crown on wich maybe made me just a tiny bit jealous and annoyed so I take my head of his head and pull his face at my direction and then kissed him making me blush when I felt him kiss back, soon we pulled away and look into each others eyes

"Give me attention..."

I said putting my head on his shoulder nuzzling my face on his neck planting small kisses on it as I felt him laugh making me look at him

"Hehe ok I will Punzy!"

Dream said moving a bit making me pull my head away from his neck, he turned around and wraps his hand around my torso in a hug, making me smile and start moving my head back to his shoulder and neck, i looked at dreams friends and kissed his neck

"I love you dream"

"I love you too"

Said sapnap making George another flower crown out of blue flowers

I rolled my eyes and give him the middle finger, this is going to be a looooong day


Sorry if it's bad and short I didn't double check it or re read it so it might have many mistakes but I tried my best and I hope you guys enjoyed it


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