Dream rant

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Fuck i didn't want to make this but here i am

1. The speedrun drama is stupid, I understand why they took down the speedrun and im ok with that but the fact that people are being toxic and saying dream cheated in a video where the creators are saying "both of them are right" is stupid, I just want to see a video without fucking toxic people is that too much to ask?!

2. The DreamNotfound drama, bro just let people ship whatever they want. I don't like DreamNotfound but I dont leave hate i just say that dream can also be a bottom but no saying "I don't like dnf" and "dream can be a bottom" or "DreamNotfound is overrated" is something bad, bro just let people have their opinions

I just hate everything right now, I can't watch a fucking dream video without people calling other people who try to explain the situation "dream stands" its stupid and it made me consider leaving the internet for a year when everything is over, dream is one of the reasons I'm still alive and not have committed suicide, he makes me laugh and smile and make me feel like everything is going to be ok thats why I love him and seeing him get hate for no reason bothers dream and if dream actually didn't cheat then bro your just bullies. Someone on YouTube also said he clicked bated (hope I said that right) the Speedrunner vs Hunter wich is stupid because he didn't, just let people enjoy dream without drama because it can affect him mentally especially with all the people making fun of him and being toxic towards him

I'm sorry for rambling I just wanted to talk about it so yeah...

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