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Read this old stories and tell me wich one you want me to rewrite


Storie 1: Tears

Ship: Skeppy x Dream

Song: Oh Klahoma by Jack stauber

Requested by my rl friend

Theme: Star tears disease

Skeppy had a crush on dream for as long as he could remember and he was confident he liked him back but there was one problem named George

Skeppys POV

Me and Bad were sitting on a bench talking about our day when suddenly i saw Dream in all his glory, seeing his beautiful face made me absolutely mesmerized and made me blush like crazy, dream waved and came up to us making bad move away from me to allow dream to sit in the middle.

Bad know that I have a crush on dream so bad put aside his feelings for me and gave me advice to help with dream since he knows dream since he was a kid, bad and dream where talking about minecraft and cute animals when suddenly the topic changed and they where now talking about George making my blood boil in jealousy 'what's sooo great about George anyways!!?' I thought as I felt tears forming in my eyes as I keept asking myself what dream finds in George because his just ugh!

I get up from the beach and start walking away hearing bad call after me but I didn't stop i just keep walking away and when I was far away I started running to my house 'Why did I thought I ever had a chance with him?! I should have been with bad instead!' Stopped and thought about it 'No that wouldn't be fair i don't like him so why am I supporting the ship?! Is it because I want to believe i don't have a crush on dream?'

I keept thinking until I finally arrived at my house and go inside closing the door behind me, as I keept thinking about it the more frustrated I was becoming

"Why why doesn't he love me?! What's so great about George that he can't stop talking about him?!"

As I keept screaming all of that I felt tears run down my face and my eyes widden as I see that my tears where shaped as colorful stars making me panic since rare one-sided love diseases aren't rare in this world

//Time skip 2 mouths later//

I was laying in bed texting bad about how my disease was going wich it wasn't going well, my eyesight is almost completely gone, my star shaped tears where scattered all around my dark room and I didn't have a lot of energy, I was lucky that bad came from time to time to check on me and bring me food, I checked dreams tweeter to see 2 tweets about George making my eyes watter and I could feel a tear about to fall so I stopped texting bad and layed down when suddenly

Knock Knock

I get up from my bed assuming it was bad the one Knocking so I go and open the door tears still in my grew eyes as I opened the door seeing someone I wasn't expecting


"Skeppy are you alright what happened?!"

I looked at dream before looking away seeing dream face get more worried

"Skeppy? Skeppy answer me!"

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