𝐀6𝐃 𝐱 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐆𝐨𝐝

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Type: Fluff



I was walking around the village looking at all the kids and people walking around when I saw the bright light of the glorious prime God Dream, dream and I had been in a relationship for about 3 years our relationship being a secret to all the villagers. I walked up to the God who was saying hello to the kids and giving people advice, I stand next to him waiting for him to finish to talk "forgive me God I have sin" Techno the prince of the village said, dream looked at him lifting a eyebrow not looking impressed "L" dream said putting some of his hair behind his ears using his silk gloves "thank you God" Techno said in his monotone voice "yeah, now can we give Techno some twitch prime subs?!" Dream said chuckling as his little brother Tubbo gave Techno a small bag of prime subs, tubbo is the God of pureness he can make money, food, water, silver and weapons. Techno bow before taking the bag of coins and walking away, I got closer to dream sneaking my hand under his white robe placing my hand on his waist making us both blush and look away a small shy smile plastered on our faces. I looked down at him before getting closer to his ear making sure it didn't look obvious and whispering "how are you babe?" Dream checked before placing his hand on my shoulder making me jump a bit "heh I'm great, I just hope I could have shared the luxurious life with someone that would have made me feel much better" dream said looking at me wich made me understand the message "dream honey you know we can't, I have a job and friends to help. Besides the village would start crowding me and I just want a normal peaceful life" dream looked down at the ground "dream im-" I was cut off by Skeppy running up to me but then bow down at dream "Excuse me my God I need my friend for a moment" Skeppy said looking down at dreams boots, the God looked at him before lifting skeppys head up by the chin giving him a gentle smile wich made me a bit jealous "of course, i have to go and check for primers anyways" dream said the last part by taking his hands off his chin, I take my hand off his waist "well I wish you luck prime god" I said with a smile, dream didn't say anything he just walked away making me feel bad and sad.

I wanted to chase after him but I just sigh and started walking with skeppy "you know 6 you seem very very close to the Prime God and I don't think villagers should be that close to the gods, heck I don't think we are allowed" Skeppy said consern I scuffed "at least I'm not the one who hangs out with the Underworld prince" Skeppy blushed and fake coughed and then cleared his throat "so anyways we have a problem at the house" I lift up an eyebrow "what type of problem?" Skeppy only stood quiet making me annoyed "Skeppy what did you do?!" I screamed as I turn him around and put my hands on his shoulders

"Nothing nothing just broke a window!" I sight before continuing the walk to my house still having dream on my mind 'I love him and I do want to be with him 24/7 but im not ment to be in his life im not allowed to be near all those beautiful and majestic creatures, besides I have my own life and he has his' I sight once more, skeppy seemed to notice and stopped walking

"6 is something bothering you?" Skeppy asked worried, I stopped and thought about it before responding,"Skeppy I need to tell you the truth" I paused before continuing "me and the Prime God are in a relationship..." I looked at skeppy seeing that his mouth was opened wide "you and God but how when?!" Skeppy keept saying wierd combinations of words "WHAT YOU AND PRIME GOD ARE LO-?!" I covered skeppys mouth imidiatly and blushed as a family of villagers looked at me before leaving

"Dont yell it out loud you dumb ass" I said before slowly pulling my hand away, Skeppy still looked surprised, I can already tell that telling him was a terrible idea



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