𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 & 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐨

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Song: We want out (fnaf 1)-DA games

Theme: Big brother Dream (no ship platonic only)

Dream visited ranboo after the war and revealed something that left him shocked

3rd Person POV

Dream was walking around the destroyed L'manburg when he heard sobbing and imidiatly recognized the voice so he ran in the direction of the sobs and cries of Ranboo, dream got inside the obsidian room getting wet in the process, dream leaning on the entrance his bright neon green eyes piercing through the darkness of the room "Hello?" Dream whispered making his voice more soft and tender not wanting to scare the other, Ranboo turned around seeing Dream smile at him wich made him scared of what dream was planning, Ranboo stayed quiet when the voices in his head started repeating those words wich made Ranboo hold his head with his hands his fingers holding his hair with absolute force, you can see it in his eyes his frustrated, upset, sad, confused and angry dream stood there quietly watching Ranboos breakdown, seeing the kid like that made dream feel like absolute trash. Dream came inside the room walking up to Ranboo and hugging him tightly wich made Ranboo even more confused, Ranboo tried to push away at first but then he melted into the shorter males embrace feeling better as dreams soft fingers brushed through his scalp in a soothing manner, the younger man put his arms around dreams back tightly returned the gesture making the blonde smile "Ranboo you need to calm down..." the blonde said feeling the enderman hybrid shake "b-but they are so so loud dream, they confuse me and they don't shut up!" The younger said tightening his grip on the blonde "Ranboo i understand but please do me a favor and listen to them, concentrate on what they are saying and maybe you'll find the answer..." the younger stayed quiet doing what the blonde told him to do he closed his eyes and started clearing his mind of everything and carefully listened to the voices one at the time all while staying calm and trying not to panic and then he opened his eyes, his eyes presented shook and what he heard being unbelievable "i.... I didn't ruin the community house... I i remember! The voices told me that memory but how?!" Ranboo parted away from the others embrace looking at the blonde with tears in his eyes "you see Ranboo im just like you... I had this voices named nightmare and dreamon they say things that manipulate me so I know how you feel, Ranboo we are the same..." dream said hugging the slightly taller male making him cry "so all this time you where manipulated to do this?!!" Dream nodded before pulling away "but you stole my book?" "No i didn't tubbo gave it to me and then took it and I don't know what he did with it" Ranboo looked at dream shocked not knowing what to say "I know you are confused... how about we go to technos house and talk about it more there before I go?" Ranboo nodded smiling at dream but still thinking about what dream said "dreamon why do I have the feeling I heard that before? And why did tubbo steal my book?' The enderman hybrid thought before shaking his head and going next to dream running away from L'manburg and to technos house


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