𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲2

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I changed Dreams backstory a bit so...
Let me explain Dream and his "alters" shall we

(Also this doesn't completely follow the smp lore)

So if I have to put it in short I would put as cartoon Angel and Demon, although the Angel is the "bad one"

The Angel being Dream
The Demon being Nightmare or Dreamon

Let me explain in more detail:
I would explain Dream as kokichi from danganronpa, he at first is looked at as the bad guy and someone everyone hates but then you find out by Kaito that kokichi was putting on an act and he genuinely hates the killing game. Or In other words he wants to do good things and has good intentions but the way he is doing it/ the way his trying accomplishing his goal is bad.

In my designs for Dream and Nightmare Dream will be shown to have a flowers while Nightmare and Dremon are seen with goggles(i changed it Dreamon has some sort of teeth decoration), but why flowers? Why didn't I give him goggles but with another color it will make more sense right?

Let me explain, goggles are harder in material, although the goggles aren't made of actual iron or anything big its still a hard material and stronger than flowers right?
Although a flower is so fragile and sensitive to heavy touch it can still be held by someone sharply or carefully but it could still fall apart especially if your forcing it off the ground.
And if you leave a flower without water or good care the flower can easily die no matter how strong that flower is or how much you or the flower itself  tried to keep it alive.
That just shows their personalities...

Dream isn't a human so when he was young he couldn't understand a lot and since he came from a world with peace and love he doesn't know the difference between love and abuse and of course couldn't understand other people's emotions. He wanted to be human he wanted to understand even if his just a kid and learning about the real world can be traumatic. People would know that and use him for it taking his naive mentality and filling it with lies. People would use dream just because he'll listen to them after all he doesn't know any better and because he thought what he/they was/where doing was the right thing to do.

He grew older and his mentality still stayed the same being washed up with the mind set people gave him but he also understood more. And although he meet a lot of people as he grew older and had DreamXD since he was a baby he still meet Nightmare.
Nightmare..... is the opposite of dream he knows more about how "humans" can be and he understood the real world and the unfair treatment/causes it can give to inocent people, Nightmare at first viewed Dream as a little brother (although they both have the same age) but soon he started manipulating him seeing how dream can be useful to him so he took control of dream and now is part of dream. Nightmare started tormenting dream and causing his brain to drain out (so now he has the personality he has in the dream smp prison but he can become cheerful when his with people.) Dream soon saw his own value and didn't want people to take advantage of him or threatened him so he started being more aggressive when people humiliated him or tried to control him so he gets a bit off control and when taht happens dreams "alters" can fully take control of him and use him as their own puppet.

Even though Nightmare is loved by many (even if he did manipulate them to) he is still planning.... and his plan is going smoothly....


(Story inspired by: pUnKinN pie on YouTube)

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