31. Voices

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You should have taken one more. Two more. Three more. All of them.

I'm so glad you stopped when you did.

You shouldn't be here.

I'm so grateful that you're still around.

That could have been it. The end. Never again.

This is the start. A new beginning. You can try again.

No one wanted you to wake up.

Everyone is so happy to see you.

It's just going to get even worse.

You can get help now. You can get better.

They're all crying because of you. This is all your fault.

No one blames you.

You're broken. You're sick. No one gives a shit about you.

Everyone cares so, so much.

You don't mean anything.

Without you things would be so different.

You're worthless.

People would miss you.

You make up all your problems.

You have every right to be sad.

It's not even real. You're faking everything. People have it worse than you.

Mental illnesses are as real and as serious as physical ones.

You're just being selfish.

You're trying your best.

You best isn't good enough. It never will be.

You can make it so far. You're going to do great things.

You're a failure. Your family is ashamed of you.

Everyone is so proud of what you've done and where you are.

You're destined for a life of loneliness and sadness.

You deserve so much.

You are nothing.

You are something.

You are nothing.

You are nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing.

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