Her first month

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Selena's pov
It's been a month sense jelena popped out of me . She was the quotes litte thing . Every time I see her I cry because she looks so much like her dad . I've missed him . He's going on tour , he has done so much . Am proud . "Waaaaaaa" jelena cried . Making me jump out of my thoughts .
I went to her small litte bed at the corner of my room. I picked her up and began to breast feed . After about 5 min she fell asleep . I then turned on the tv , something caught my eye . "Local news , famous pop star Justin Bieber was in a car accident , nobody died . Bruises and bumps here and there but everything fine , back to Jerald with the weather" . I turned the tv off . I was shock . Hopfully Justin was okay . I wa sorta sad , I haven't been in contact with my fans because they can't find out about jelena nither can justin . I thought about everything for about 20 minutes before I fell asleep .

Justin's pov
"Yes am fine " I said to my mom through the phone
"Okay sweetie be careful next time , I love you .
"Me too" I said before hanging up . I laid back down . And thought about what happend earlier .
*looking through selena picture in his phone *
I miss you so much I cried to my self . It's been a while sense I came out alone with no security . I just cried . I miss her . There haven't been that much news about her . Just that she's going on tour soon . I whipped my eyes next thing I new was feeling a pain in my head .
"Justin , baby you okay"? Ariana asked standing in front of me .
I nodded .
"I'll leave you to rest she said and kissed my cheek .

Guys I need feed back .
Next chapter I'll be skipping some years , who's excited for when jelena and Justin meet?

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