Your my .... What?!

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Jelenas POV
"Call me dad" Justin said .
"Huh"? I said giggling
"Jelena you know how I told you your dad was someone you really looked up too?" Mommy asked kneeling down with Justin to get to my level .
I nodddd . "Well your dad is right infront of you " she said . I looked straight up were I saw nothing but the wall . I heard giggles . "No baby Justin's your dad ". My mommy said . My looked at justwin who was smiling . "Wait justwin Bieber is my daddy "? I said tearing up . I remember what my grandma told me when I was five . FLASHBACK
"No Jelena , your dad left you . He dident want you that why he's not here " she said grabbing me harshly while I was trying to draw a picture of me and my dad . I nodddd sadly .

Selena's POV
"Jelena your dad infront of you what do you have to say "? I said shaking out of her thoughts .
"I HATE YOU !! YOU LEFT ME "! She said trying to push Justin away from her .
I looked up to Justin who had a very said face . I could tell he was hurt . I grabbed jelena . She was crying for a while then drifted of to sleep . I set her down on the couch while was backstage in the vip area . "Justin listen , we'll figure everything later , we need to find out who wrote the letter . And then we'll figure out what we're going to do . " I said grabbing my bag . "Selena , what about us " he asked coming closer . "Justin , everything happens really fast once we figure everything out , we'll know " I said . I gave Justin my number and my address and picked up Jelena . Once we were home it was about 7:30 . I walked in . I was mad happy and sad at the same time . U walked out he stairs and put Jelena on her bed . I then walked out and once I walked out I bumped into my mom . "She met him " I said in the hug . "Omg selena "!! She said worried . We went down the stairs to the living . I explained her everything . "So who wrote the note "? She asked a little nervous. I ignored it and simply answered . "I don't know " .
My phone rang .
~Convo ~
S=selena J=Justin
S: hello
J: can I come over , my concerts over and we really need to talk things over
S: umm sure
J: see you in 10
S: okay .
End of convo .
My mom looked at me weird .
"So who was that "? She asked . I just smiled . I was happy I get to see Justin again but yet it's going to be difficult to fix everything . "Nobody " I said .
"Well am gonna go " my mom said getting up and grabbing her bag . My mom lived in the same neighborhood as I did just about 10 houses down . "Okay mom " I said . After 2 min my mom was gone . the door rang . I opend it and there stood a handsome Justin ."hey" I said . "Hi" . He walked in and looked around . "Wow nice castle " he said making me chuckle . I walked up the stairs be following me . I welcomed him to my room and we sat on the bed . " so the letter " he pointed out . "Yes , who wanted us to not have Jelena and to not be together "? I asked getting the note out .

Justin's pov
Me and selena were trying to figure out the note thing . When a little sleeping Jelena walked through the door . "Mommy " she said walking to selena while rubbing her eyes. She looked at me but then looked away . I hurt what she said earlier . "Jelena why were you so mean to Justin ? Selena asked . "Grandma said he left me " she said quietly still on Selena's lap . "Jelena , it's not true , Justin and I seperated before you were born " Selena said trying to keep the anger in her voice . She walked over to me . "Sowy jewstin" she said tugging on my jeans .
"Aww it's okay " I said I picked her up and put her on my lap . "I think I know " Selena said with anger in her eyes. I nodddd . We couldn't talk about this infront of Jelena . So we put the letters away . "So I finally have mommy and daddy " Jelena said in her cute voice . "Yep " me and Selena said smiling.

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