Jelena gone ?

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(Btw writing this made me cry )

Selena's POV

"Bieber jelena " the nurse said . Me and Justin instantly walked up to her .

"How is she "? Justin asks .

I was still sobbing .

"She hit her head pretty bad , there's a chance we might

"NO PLEASE". I yelled falling to the floor .

Justin grabbed me , he was also crying .

"There's a chance of what "? Just asked helping me up .
We were both crying .

"Loose her . In sorry " she walked away

Justin helped me to the small bench .

"Please tell me it's not true ". I yelled into Justin's chest .

"She's not going , okay " Justin said in between sobs .

I hate this . My life . There's are the moments . I hate that I'm famous right now. if jelena goes , I can't even think what I'm going to do .

After about 30 minutes . The nurse told us we can see her . As soon as I walked in I started to cry again . Her small body was lifeless . I got on one side while Justin got on the other .

"Jelena we love you , your our angle and we know you'll make it through this , me and your mom will always be here we won't leave you ". Justin said grabbing her small hand in between his hand .

"Jelena please wake up , we love


"JUSTIN "!!!! I yelled know what this meant .

"DOCTOR PLEASE COME IN "!!!! Justin yelled running throught the slide while I hold my my babies body in my hands . My heart dropped down to me feet and it couldn't get up . I was crying and sweating , praying that this was only a dream .

"Selena wake up "!!

I finally stood up my breathing was heavy and my eyes were full of tears .

"Shhh it was just a dream " Justin said holding me tight . Worst dream ever .

"Bieber Jelena "? Oh no is this like the movies were the dreams come true . I thought . Me and Justin walked up the the nurse , the same one in my dreams .

"Jelena hit her head pretty hard ......

(Short but a good darn chapter , I hope you enjoy this one . It's close To the end so ... Yeah ☺️ thanks for the support and I hope that you guys are enjoying my book even if the begining was bad ) ily:)

IS THE DREAM GOING TO COME TRUE ? Comment what you think or how the story should end :)

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