Jelena again ?

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Selena's pov

As soon as I pulled out I relized what we just did , we kissed .
I look at him and he has the same look in his face .

I walk into my room , Justin follows .

We sit in the bed .

"We need to talk " . I say

"I know , why is jelena acting like this "? He asks

"I wish I could know " . I say looking down . I feel his warm hand under my chin .

"We're gonna find out " he nods

I nod .

I can't believe what we're doing . I thought he was going out with yovanna .

He came closer and before he can touch my lips I stop him .

"Wait , aren't you dating yovanna"? I ask

"Me and her broke up a while ago " he says

"Cool" I giggle out .


"He's cool , we dated for a while but nah we stopped " I say

He smiles .

We kiss again .

"Selena can I ask you something"


"Do you think maybe we you know can be a family "?

I look at him . What ? A family ? Really ? I remembers what stopped is from being one . Our moms. I haven't seen her in for ever .

I don't even think about it or at least try to prosses the question . I lean in . So dose he .
I fall on my back . As soon as I hit the soft mattress . Justin climes in top of me .
His beanie falls off . Making me giggle . We all know we're that went .

Jelenas pOV

I love them , but they left me .
I'm between should I to my moms room or not .

Before I know it my legs are walking towards her room .

"Uhhhhh selena "!! I here . What ? (Btw I don't know what I'm doing 😂)

I open the door . Oh my .

I close it again . I laugh to my self out side the door . This is hilarious . I stand there . The door opens . I try my best to run , but I guess I wasn't to fast .

"Jelena "! My dad yelles .

I turn around and try to keep a straight face . He's shirtless and has on only his long red shorts .

"What "? I say trying to to laugh .

"Come here " he says making a weird hand move .

I stand before dragging my self to him . "What "?

"Did you ummm open the door " ?

That's it I can't .i laughed . A lot
So much I fell to the floor .

"What's going on "? I here my mom say . Omg I can't stop .

"It's scaring me "

Omg stop I'm gonna die .

After about 15 minutes of me liking at them then laughing again .

I decided to go back to my room .

"Jelena please stay , we can watch a movie , Like a family ". My dad say .

The world just flipped . My parent were staring at me .

Everything went serious .


They both looked at each other then back at me .

"Jelena it's not like that "! My mom yelles lower then how I yelled

"THEN HOW IS IT ? YOUR FANS I KNOW ARE IMPORTANT , BUT AT LEAST LET ME COME , LET ME EXPERIENCE THIS WITH YOU . Just let me " I cried out . I then ran , down the stairs faster then ever , me feet hit the shiny wood until I slipped . My head hit the side of the stair , before I new it . My vision went black.

Selena's pov
I leaned on Justin , as I see her run towards the stairs , I know if I try to go after her , she'll probably fall at how fast she'll go . Just at my thinking and crying when as getting deeper .
Me and Justin heard a "BUMP "! Our heads shot up . Jelena .

I ran . So did Justin .

She was on the last 10 steps . He small body looked so fragile . I grabbed her by the head . Oh no blood . I begain to cry and scream as Justin picked her up .

"CALL THE AMBULANCE , NOW "!! Justin yelled

(Yep cliffhanger, I hope you guys are enjoying the story . I'm working on another one that j hope you all enjoy the first chapter will be released today , I howl you like this chapter even if it's really short . Jelena ? Jelena . Also about the one direction thing . I'm so sad , I wasn't a big fan but I loved them and it sucks )😭😘

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