After 2 weeks .

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Justin's POV
I haven't seen jelena or Selena in 2 weeks . Honestly in those 7 says I became extremely close to Jelena and I hate the fact that I can't see her . I taking a small break 3 of my albums are out I went in three tours .

"I honestly didn't mean that " I say to usher through the phone . Trying not to remember how much Selena's face looked hurt .

"I know man , but you have to apologize you have to see your daughter . And fix things with Selena "

"I know , I'm gonna call her , talk to you later " I say , I put my SnapBack ok the table . I take a deep breath before pressing her contact .

Three Rings . "Hello" I hear Selena say . "Who's this "?
She erased my number .

"Selena ... May I speak to jelena " I said . I was really nervous I could feel the tension through the phone . It took her about a minute to respond .

"She's at a friends " is all she say then it goes silent .

"When can I see her "?

"I don't know Justin " she says .

"Selena I didn't mean what I said "

"Bye Justin " I heard her say before hearing the beeping sound .

Selena's POV
I know I lied about jelena being with her friends but I'm scared . What if Justin actually takes her from me ?
His words , keep playing in my head .
"Am ready mommy " I hear jelena say

Today am taking jelena to the beach . I hate to take her out to public because she gets ask questions and then rumors start . This part I hate about being famous . My lie is that jelena is my niece . I hate to lie about her but I sure know that if the find out she's my daughter things will start again .

I smile at how looking at her come down the stairs . Her hair was perfectly curled thanks to me . She was pink orange shirt and a floral skirt .

"You look amazing " I say lifting her up from the last step .

"You too mommy " she says .

I pull her to her seat and begin to drive to the closest beach . I need to hang out with Jelena a little more , I've been thinking about everything .
Justin , my career and most importantly Jelena . What if me and Justin never figure things out ? What if he actually takes her ? I jump up as I hear a beep from the car behind me asking me to go since the light is green . I press me feet against the gas . Before I know it my car is parked and I'm helping jelena out . I really hope there will be no pictures . I soon as I grab jelenas small hand a fan walk up to me . "Are you ... OMG you are "!! She yells . I feel jelena tighten the grip on my hand . I chuckle and take a picture . We continue walking , I kept my head down as I walked tiers the water . The beach looked so perfect . "What was that " ? Jelena says taking me out of my thoughts .

"Nothing baby " I say .

We begin to play in the water . I was having so much fun . Just my daughter and I . After splashing and playing slap and tickle . We laid in the sand . If was nice to just consume the sun .

"Mommy am hungwy "

I look up and see jelena sitting crisscross . I smile .
"Let's go get my Marie something to eat " I say knowing she hates her second name .

"No jelena " she said and crosses her small arms.

I smile and nod . We both get up and begain to walk back to the car and before I know it there are a bunch of flashing lights . And screaming fans running towards us . I get a better grip of jelena but I guess not good enough , I let go , hoping Jelena will stay next to me . After giving about 30 pictures and hugging a lot of fans I look down to were jelena was standing. My heart dropped . Jelena . She was gone . I started panicking , I looked around , I even left my fans to go look around . I felt bad but my baby , jelena was gone .

Jelenas POV (finally )
A bunch is screaming girls came towards mommy , I feel me hand being tighten but then loose . I wait a little but then get pushed back on to my butt. I get up and try to get away from mommy being crowded . i can't even see her . I wait as she takes pictures . But then I spot a familiar face . A face I haven't seen in a while . "Daddy" ! I yell as I approach him . He quickly turns around letting go of the girl he was holding by the waist . She was tall and tan , her hair want down the middle of her back . "Jelena"? My dad says as I stand looking at the tall girl . "Hey " I say looking down . "Hey baby"!! He yells And picks me up spinning me .
"Yo Justin " I hear and he puts me down . "Sele- I mean jelena this is Ryan , scooter and that's Jennifer .

"This is jelena ... My daughter " he says picking me up and putting me on his side .

"Hi " I say , I'm not that good with meeting people .

"Wait how did you get here " ? He ask making me jump .

"With mommy " I say and point at were the crowd was . It's not there anymore .

"Where is she " scooter asked . I think it was scooter .

"She was there " I say .

" well she not no more " The tall girl almost yells

Justin's POV
"Well she not no more " he Jennifer snaps at Jelena .

I was about to answer . But my phones start vibrating .
I grab it . "Selena " it says .
I press the answer thing .
"Hello " I say
"Justin I - I lost jelena " she says , is she crying ?
"Selena she's with me " I say retreating it right when I say it .
"You little .. Ugh , why would you take her "? ! She yells

"I dident , she came to me after you were mobbed by fans " I say .

"Teller were the hell you took her "!! She yelled

I didn't answer and waved at her she was across the beach .

I stood there awkwardly as she approached us . I then felt Jennifer wrap her arms around my torso . Me and Jennifer are not a thing but I guess I like her .

"Scooter , Ryan . " she says nodding to them . They nods back then she looks at me .

"Let's go jelena " she says
Jelena looks at me then at selena.

"Can I keep her " I say "just for a little , I'll bring her home " I say .

"But Justin""! Jennifer says .

I could tell selena was mad . She stared at Jennifer then a jelena . "Okay but bring her home safe " she says and smirks at Jennifer .

I chuckle at her actions . She kisses jelena good bye . And she hugs scooter and Ryan . Then walks away . I wonder why she would lie about jelena being at her friends .

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