A new begining , with out you .

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Selena POV
We finally arrived to SanFransisco around 5 . My mom drove straight to our new house or should I say mansion.
It was a place were you had to get through a man and a gate . So it was very privet . It had beautiful Palm trees and it was huge . I was amazed to see some fans waiting for me . I took some pictures with them and signed some things . That really brought my mood up , and it was maybe one of the last times because I needed to cancel everything since of my baby .
Justin's POV
"Justin "!! "Scooters waiting for you "!! My mom yelled
I finally had the guts to get up and get my stuff together . I just shuffed everything in my suit case and ran out the door .
"Mom can you drive me ?!" I said
"Of corse sweetie , what's wrong " ?
She asked
"Can we just go"!! I yelled walking to my moms car .
The car ride was silent until we were five min away .
"Take care and call me , when your done tell me when and where your going on tour , okay?"
We finally got to the airport , as I got out I answered my mom "sure , I love you " I said "me too "she said
, I then walked out to where the plains land and saw scooter with the crew and to my surprise Ariana grande was there too . I walked up .
"Hey , when can we go "? I asked
"What's wrong ?" Scooter asked
"I'll tell you in the jet "I said and walked by every one else and walked up the jet . I was broken .

Selena's POV
"Hey Jenny , I have bad news " I said scared of telling my manager that am pregnet
"What up sel? Oh we need to see each other soon to work on your album and you next tour . "
"About that , can I only record the album ?" And what about the tour in a 2016 "? I said scared out of my mind
"Am sorta ... Um pregnet "
"Omg congrats !!! But why can't we have the tour "
"Well because Justin and I broke up so we can't really tell anyone with out creating drama , so I can do the album only this year ?"
"I guess we have to make it a good one "
"Thank you so much , when's the first meeting ?"
"How about on Saturday at 4 "?
"Yeah bye "
I then looked and saw I had a missed phone call from the person I dident was to even talk to ... Justin .
I deleted his number . Bye I thought as I pressed the Botton .

Justin's POV
I walked straight to the bed on the jet , I laid there for about 10 min alone , then of corse came scooter .
"Justin's what's up "? "Talk to me man".
"Scooter , Selena's ... Pregnet and at first j through it was alright but then I guess she changed her mind and she gave me this ". I said showing him the letter .
"Wow Justin , this is some strong stuff . Well at lease your starting your tours and get your mind of off things . And Ariana is here and she's maybe as broken as you . He said getting up patting my back .

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