Telling them .

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(I hope this is a filler chapter , Jennifer will take a big place in this book . She's a pretty selfish character . I would love to here what you think . Thanks so much for 600 , I love you guys and I hope my story is making you want to read . I am becoming a better writer and I'm much better then when I started ! I love to read so much too so if you make stories or Know of a good one let me know . Thanks ily )

Jennifer's POV
"Am hungwy" the little stupid girl says again .

"We're almost there baby" Justin says .

She had to get in the way . Me and Justin are just friend for now . I've been a fan for a while but he thinks that an internet famous . Actually I met him through yovanna Ventura . Justin and her we're friends but I made sure I took her place . And now selena and her little brat are in the way .

"Justin can we eat at a buffet " I ask knowing I wasent going to go to a McDonald's , he Justin Bieber he has all the money in the world .

"Actually I was taking Jelena to chucky cheese " he says . Ugh .

"Fine but I really want to go home " I say . I really need to plan out everything .

"Okay , scooter can you drop me and jelena of at cucky cheese and then take Jennifer " he says going right back to talking to her little brat .

They finally took me to my house . I got of and went straight in to thought . Okay so selena and Justin have JELENA and selena thinks Justin want to take her away. But wait am not actually going to kidnapp Justin and jelena . So what else . Of corse it fell straight into place . The world doesn't know jelena exist . My idea has to work . I instantly tweeted from a brand new Twitter I made . "Justin and Selena will be at dinner , at the small cafe on madvill street . " I send out the tweet and almost in a second I got questions and comments like .
"Omg jelenas back "
"How do you know "
"Not again "
"I still ship"

I put my phone down and rand down the street . Paparazzi and a bunch of girls were there . I stood on a chair .

"Listen up , Justin and Selena have a baby together . Her names Jelena , she's 6 and Selena has took her from Justin , help him "?!?! I yell .

Everyone looks at me with confusion .the paparazzi are taking pictures and videos . "Don't tell anyone of show pictures of me telling you " I yell . My work here is done .

Selena's POV

"Yeah of corse " I say to Taylor .

She came over and we were hanging out .
"Let's watch Annabell" she Nearly pushes me of the bed .

"Okay swift " I say know she hates the last name .

"Watch the tv while I go take a shower "I say .

"Okay hurry " .

Taylor's POV ( changing it up )
I got board after a while , so I turned the tv off and got in my phone . I had posted a picture of me and Selena hanging out and I was getting lots of comments . One specially caught my eye. On Twitter a fan asked
"Is it true Selena and Justin have a kid together "? I gasped at the question . I knew selena had a baby and I new it was Justin . But I dident know Justin mat jelena or that the public found out . I got up and walked towards the bathroom .

"Selena ."! I yelled banging the door

"Am almost done " she yells

"It's about Justin and jelena " !! I yell and almost immediately I here the water turn of . She opens the door .

"What happend" she says walking out and sitting on her bed with the towl around her skinny body .

"Did you know that jelena is public " I say

"What , did Justin-" she says but go interrupted by her phone ringing .

"What did you do " I hear
"No I Didn't "
"Okay I'll see you "

What happend I ask .

Oh no .

Is all she says before walking into her closet and changes .

(It's short but I'll be posting soon , ily)

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