I thought together.

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Selena's POV
I let the warm water hit my body . After relaxing and feeling like I was in the clouds I got out and put in the clothes Justin gave me.

I walked down the stairs and saw Justin and Jelena watching a movie . I smiled at how cute they were before I came and sat their to them . After the movie it was about 3. Jelena had fallen asleep .

"I think I'm gonna head home " I say to Justin getting up from the couch .

"What about jelena" ?

"You can take her to school tomorrow and j can pick her up ."

"Okay "

I say , I hate that me and Justin can't talk like before . It's awkward somehow .

I pulled up in my drive way . I begain to walk in when I my Phone began to ring .


"Selena ?"


"Hey I want you to meet some people today can you come to the studio around 5"?

"Uhh sure "

"Right then drive safe see soon "

"Alright bye"

I quickly unlocked the door and ran in . I went straight to my room and began to get ready . I straighten my hair and I changed the clothes I had . I looked in the mirror , I finally looked presentable . My hair was straighten and my jeans made my legs look longer , I applied my jean jacket on topic my white light shirt . I stepped in my brown leather boots before leaving my room .

My drive there was thinking about everything , about Justin , Jelena and my mom . I didn't even know I was at the studio parking . I got out and walked inside , I walked up to my usual recording studio and walked in .

Jenni looked as beautiful as always . Her blond hair was out into a pony tail and her outfit fit her perfectly .

"Selena"!! She yelled

"Jenni "!! I yelled back .

After the hug I notice someone sitting in the small couch . I looked over . I guess Jenny saw because she began talking .

"Selena this is zedd he's goung to be signed to your manager so we thought to bring him out we would have him sing a song with you ."

"Hey am zedd" the cute man said standing up .

"Hey zedd " I say .

Justin's pov
Honestly watching selena leave hurt me a lot . I still love her but I feel like the July thing she feels is love for me because I'm jelenas dad .

My phone begain ringing . I got up as fast as I could with out waking jelena .

"Hello "

"Hey justin umm I have great news "

"What's up scooter"? I ask walking to the kitchen

" we really need to talk , in person "

"I can't now but maybe tomorrow "

"Sure , two "?

"Yep at your place "?

"Yep "

" okay bye dude "

"Bye "

I went back to the living room were jelena was . She was still sleeping like a little angle . I lay next to her and went on my phone . After scrolling through Instagram for about 2 min I saw a picture that caught my eye .

Selena was sitting looking straight at the guts eyes . While he looked back sg her .

" had fun meeting you see you soon ;)" she tagged him ," zedd " was the name .

I wasn't mad but I guess I was jealous. I set my phone down and shift to my right causing jelena to stretch and open her eyes .

"Daddy please don't leave me " she said coming closer to hug me

"What? Why would I baby ?" I ask shocked

" I just had a dream wh-"

"No baby I won't leave you " . I stated and meant it .

I push the dismiss button as I shift to my left .

"Jelena come in we have to take you home so you can change and head to school " I say shaking her,

She didn't wake up so I wrapped her in the Blanket at set her in her chair before I begin to drive to Selena's .

I knock and as soon as I was about to knock again the door opened .

"Good morning Justin " Selena says

"Good morning , here's jelena " I say handing jelena to her

"Umm can you pic her up later , from schoo"? She ask

I was about to say yes but then I remembers jelena corms out if she school at 2:15 .

"Umm actually i have to be somewhere ". I say remembering scooter .

"Okay I'll pic her up "

I say and walk down the step .

(It's really short and not so good in the next chapter you'll understand . I'm sorry I haven't been posting my aunt is in the hospital. My phones isn't letting see the comments so j can't pic the perish who one . I'll let you know when j figure it out . )

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