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Jelenas POV
She left . Ugh .

I lost them both .

"Hungry "? My aunt asks

I nod no and walk up the Stairs
. I'm left alone . I hate them .

Justin's POV
"And cut " !
I walk back stage finally the day is over . I miss Jelena like crazy . I head Selena is on Tour . I always call her but we only talk 1 - 2 min . JELENA doesn't answer my calls and selena tells me she doesn't answer hers etheir . I worries me . Yovanna and I are a thing now . I like her , she's nice and she has a good body . I guess I'm happy .

Selena's pov
"The heart wants what it wants " I sang out loud

The crowd cheered like crazy . I loved this . I love my fans . JELENA is also important . I know she hates me for leavening but I had too.

(I'm going to be passing time by , so here we go )

-2 years -

Selena's pov
"Wanna go out "? I ask jelena , ever since i have come back jelena isn't the same . She hardly hangs out with me .
She 8 now . She's more mature . From school to the house and into her room . I'm worried , Justin's coming back in two days . Me and Justin have been communicating better . He's helped me a lot .

"Jelena , what's wrong "?! I yell not meaning too .

She looks at me .
"When can I go visit aunt "? She says

I tried to make it better by saying "daddy's coming in two days "
Her eyes light up for a moment . Then they go back to the place were they were .

"Oh " is all she says before walking to her room .

-two days -

Justin's pov

"Where's Jelena " I ask selena a I walk into the familiar house .

"In her room " selena says walking up the stairs , I follow .

"Jelena " selena says while knocking on the pink door .

"What "?

"Can I come in "?

"Why"? Her voice changed . It sound more mature even if she's only 8 .

"Can I "? Selena asks

"I guess "

Selena opens the door and jelenas on her blue leather bean bag chair . And she watching never say never .

He eye were a little lighter then last time . Her hair is longer and she's skinnier and a bit taller .
Her eyes meet mine .

"What do you want "? She asks me and selena . Ouch.

"Don't talk to us like that , Justin's here " Selena says

She shrugs .
"Hi Justin " okay that hurt .

"Selena , Justin may you gat out , thanks " she says .
I look at selena who's looks like she's about to cry a river . I grab her arm out the room .

As soon as we get out , the tears fall .

Her eyes meet mine , I bring her in . I hug her . She looks up . I look down . We both lean in but we don't kiss .
"I miss you " I say . Did I just say that ?

"Me too"

We kissed . Her small soft lips were amazing . I missed them .

(So guys what do you think , jelenas a little mean , but I mean she has a reason , Justin and Selena getting back together ? Find out in the next chapter . Sorry it's short , )😘

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