No love , just jelena

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Justin's POV
I wake up and feel my body being hugged .
I look to my left and then look to my right . Jelenas little arms around me then Selena's arms around me .
As I move Jelena moves her arms
"Hey daddy" she says yawning .
"Hey baby " I say getting up and putting on my shirt . I put on my jeans as Jelena looks confused . "Am hungwy" she says . I smile at her and pick her up with our waking selena.
"How about me you and McDonald's " I say . She chuckles and nods . I follow her to her room and help her change . She had very cute and Selena type clothes . I mile and pick a outfit . She laughed looking at it . "What " I giggle confused . "That doesn't match " she laughs. She takes the orange shirt and the black and pink skirt . She pulls out an outfit . I help her change into it she looks so beautiful . Her hair is long and she looks like selena . We finally get out the house , I am so thankful that I took scooters car . I jump in and see Jelena just stand there . " what's wrong " i ask frowning . " I need a car seat " she says looking around . I look around a finally see a pink booster seat its jazzys from when she came to my concert . I smile and put it up . She gave me a smile before I closed the door and made my way to the other side. I drove to the nearest McDonald's . We were laughing and talking for about 45 min before I drove to a park . I was sitting in the bench watching Jelena dance and play .

Selena pov
I woke up and turned around I felt A empty space . I saw Justin and Jelena weren't here . I begain to get ready to go in the shower . I then remembered with my mom told me once .
"If he finds out , he'll take her away " the words repeat over and over again . I look to were my phone was and ran over there . I call Justin , but no answer . I begain to panick as I here Justin's phone under the sheets . He couldn't take Jelena . I try to calm my self and get in the shower . I get out and still no sign of Jelena or Justin . I try to tell my self that they probably went out . I dry my hair and did my make up . I put on my outfit . I then grab my phone and walk downstairs . I begain to bite my apple when the front door opened . I go out of the kitchen to see Jelena run to me . " we're did you go "? I almost yelled at Justin . " I just took Jelena out " I said calmly . I told Jelena to go to her room . "Why the hell did you not tell me you were taking her "!! I yelled . "She's my daughter and I can hang out with her , you practically took her and hid her from me for 6 years " he yelled back . My blood boiled inside me . "It wasent my fault , I had no idea Justin "! I yell with tears now coming out of my eyes . How dare he says I took her when he knows our moms were the ones to make up the notes . He stayed silent . "Am sorry Selena but Jelena and I need to catch up she my daughter to " he stated in a lower voice . "I know but you can't just take her "!! I yelled . He looked mad . "I can take her when ever I want " ! He yelled again . With that he turned around and left me standing there crying my eyes out . I fall back in my couch . What if he actually takes her ? I can't even think . After crying for about 10 min I hear little steps coming downstairs . "We'res daddy" ? She asked . I looked at her , he left home baby" I said j pulled her to my lap . "Can we watch frozen ? She asked .
I giggled "Again"?! She nodded . I carried her down to the other side and down the stairs to the movie room . I put on the movie half way through me and Jelena both went to bed . I set her in her room and want across the hall . I changed and drifted of to sleep reaping the words Justin said to me over and over .

Long one I hope you enjoy .

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